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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. Keep shopping at 7/11 and leave us alone , btw I overtip just to annoy the Poms and Skippys , I worked as a bartender it’s a karma thing 300 b a day I will Tip , surely
  2. It’s been a century, you want to change it overnight
  3. I agree he said American, I said I saw euro being discussed , it was not just a Thai discussion
  4. $2.50 an hour and you want them to discuss lol
  5. I saw Europe being discussed
  6. 24 years in the service of our country and Vance did a vouch for 6 months in Afghanistan, get off Qanon ffs , airhead Truml said Afghanistan is in Alaska my god old man , take a dirt nap and quit annoying us Adults
  7. It’s been determined by experts that Trump had vocabulary of a 5 year old lol
  8. Comrade Marxist my god last time I heard that I tripped over a dinosaur tail
  9. But the Cult on this page won’t let it go
  10. Well it seems everyone is talking about everywhere
  11. Trump Die is pathetic , nothing to be proud of he’s a 5 year old in a diaper
  12. Your so far up Trumps pant leg , we would need an AirTag to find you
  13. Trump had never discussed policy, his healthcare plan has flip flopped repeatedly just a couple more weeks for 4 years , just one example
  14. Why , you misconstrue everything she says , Why should she say anything, Trump is never scrutinized, so excellent strategy , media wants division , we aren’t feeding them , the more Trump opens his mouth the more the public determines the outcome
  15. Future President Kamala stated those extra fees will be eliminated
  16. Make your own and bring it in
  17. Meal Team 6 5555 , I hope they try
  18. Trump next term will be in Prison, He’s cooked and you frightened fangirls will hopefully die off Nov 6
  19. Why do you want to be ruled by Christofascist Vance , if Trump drops dead , Communist cmon Boomer get off Qanon
  20. He admitted he lost finally
  21. Even Trump admitted he lost his Cult wasn’t pleased though
  22. I think President Kamala will have to disband the DOJ and add more SCOTUS
  23. He got caught again with underage , the mother even dropped her off at the party ffs
  24. That’s why women will make it a Landslide to Dump Trump , bet on it
  25. That sounds like your President, Trump Great description, Please Continue with your brilliant observation
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