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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. Just give them free citizenship, pick up the pace with their Masters
  2. It was in Seka , about an hour from Sakorn Nakon
  3. What is it Belgian Day , Hammering , Burning Bodies , Loansharking , making Belgian Fries 5555
  4. We’re you leading the Rally for Jim yesterday ffs
  5. He gave them 500 b for Votes that’s the only thing they like about him lol
  6. The Greed in Korat is out of Control, I lived there 3 years that I will never get back , the girls in that town are utterly Ruthless, con artist , raised by mammasans from Bkk
  7. They are a Freelance Contractor Group of Guards not employed by the Independent Bars , not directly employed by any single bar , sounds like Vigilantes or Rogue Group controlled by a Mafia
  8. My daughter lives there I wonder if I knew them , been going there 20 years
  9. Pattaya was Arab Bike Week for months , until finally cracking down
  10. The Morons who say USA never landed on Moon , like China and Russia would not expose this supposedly Hoax
  11. Practice your Russian and Chinese then , I believe you speak fluently lol
  12. One of the quards had brass knuckles which he shoves in his pocket after altercation
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