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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. The First Comment from our House Trumpanzee lol , “ Thai Trump Lover “
  2. Hired Thugs by The Mafia , they are not employed by any one Bar ?
  3. His Wife was there too , sounds like too much alcohol or additional treats
  4. There are ild Ferries where they load the cargo boats to Koh Larn
  5. Number 1 GDP , open a book or something ffs
  6. China is imploding, read a paper or something Geezus
  7. It works on Trumpanzee’s, like Donnie Dementia like his father
  8. No it’s not , unless it’s Dead , now we could discuss your Cult of Morons and Traitors for Putin
  9. You trust those Security Guards biggest scam going
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