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  1. Musk is witnessing sales increases of Tesla vehicles in many markets now. Also Tesla stocks are selling at unprecedented levels reported recently. And the stock price has rebounded nicely >10% past 5 days. He's becoming more famous by the day and along with Trump and their MAGA team they are well poised to accomplish lots for America. Problem for the corrupt deep state left is Musk is totally upending their corruption grift gig after exposing the massive waste, fraud and abuse in gov't spending all starting with USAID. The party of violence, the losing democrat party is continuing with their strategy of violence since losing the election and getting their waste fraud and abuse exposed by Trumps highly successful DOGE program. The democrat party is imploding and their ratings along with it, lowest in history I believe.
  2. I missed that part, when did that occur, you have some link to share that shows your gaslighting statement? You're exposed again as a liar promoting your delirious fake misinformation narratives. You are showing your desperation again too. Why didn't Bidens DOJ/FBI indict protesters on Jan 6 for trying to hang Pence, and why was no person charged for bringing and building the gallows..LOL....cuz it was likely an FBI black ops just as the BS on the DNC bomb that remains "unsolved" to this day. You got NOTHING but hallucinations. Must suck being reduced by butt-hurt to your level of desperation.
  3. If anyone that mattered was concerned about the Pam Bondi calculus and, or questioned her DOJ action plan....they... ESPECIALLY Trump would be complaining about her publicly by now.
  4. With the likes of Tim Walz and his "stolen valor" episodes, his affinity for lying, acting like an drunken imbecile on stage, legislation placing tampons in boys washrooms in all MN schools, and more recently his trash talk of Elon Musk and Tesla, its because of losers like him why the democrats got destroyed in 2024 election and will NEVER win another election asl long as they promote idiots, imbeciles, etc like Walz, AOC, geriatrics like Biden and bernie saunders.
  5. Percentage increase in = (VTrump - VBidenl) / Vbiden × 100% = (1001 - 500) / 500 × 100% = 501 / 500 × 100% = 1.002 × 100% = 100.2% Decrease in Border crossings: Biden 500 Trump 1001
  6. LOL...it's actually "special olympics" for liberals, who are all more than qualified to make the team in the non-contact muppet / loser competition.
  7. It has become pure entertainment now witnessing liberal morons vying to outdo their fellow moron colleagues as they go for the gold medal in moron-ology. These liberals will never win another fair election. Truly astounding how politicians on the left can be such simpletons.
  8. Here's one fine liberal loser doing the sand dune boog-a-loo dance to the pudding factory. Trump tears it up on the golf course and works 18 hrs/day. Biden being the bumbling geriatric invalid he is spent ~40% of his 1430 or so days in office on VACATION, most of any POTUS in history.
  9. What was his job approval immediately following his botched Afghan withdrawal and the slope of then line...all BAD. Throw in the scintillating beatdown and humiliation he suffered during the CNN debate with President Trump and well...you get the rest of the goat-herding DNC gong-show featuring the most intelligent muppet to ever embarrass America, enter Kamala....signally the final dagger in the liberal muppet show! Hello MAGA. Hello D.O.G.E. and...hello President Trump.
  10. It's a democrat thing, when they HAVE NOTHING but failure in their record and total chaos is the norm AND then mix in the Trump induced butt-hurt and they start to hear birds chirping in that massive air filled cavity between their ears and act like the feckless losers they are. They're good at it, very acclimated to losing, creating problems where there are none and then getting triggered when they can't accept reality of Trumps ongoing record of success's and huge WINS. Case in point: ~80% approve of Trumps deportation of illegal aliens and ~76% approve of DOGE program to end waste, fraud, abuse yet the liberal liars / haters (Dem-H Jeffries) term it as chaos. More than obvious why the country elected President Trump, trashing kamala! And why the democrats will NEVER win another election with their deluded set of policies and no direction and ZERO leadership. Biden chaos began day one, starting with his completely botched Afghan withdrawal and on to his planned mass illegal alien immigration into America and the significant national security crisis and humanitarian crisis that ensued. Trumps fixing Biden's failures and the liberals hate it it seems, and so does the feckless insulter here who can't accept anything positive about Trump, who may well on his way to becoming the greatest POTUS of out time.
  11. LOL...wow....you really GOT NOTHING and more of it. Biden does lead Trump in one number though, his 577 vacation days (~40% of his term), a record, higher than any POTUS. Do you want to guess how many days Trump spent on personal time?
  12. Heres a clue for you....President Trump won....trashing your beloved loser Kamala.... But, please don't forget that....think about it...24/7....every glorious moment from the time you wake up ...all the way to JAN 2029 ...who is PRESIDENT now1 LOL. When you feel down from your Trump hating anguish...have a look at this graph....There's a lot of red in them there swing states and a nice blue arrow for you! LOL. https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/state-of-the-union/direction-of-country
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