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Everything posted by illisdean

  1. LOl....maybe or maybe not. The war could end overnight if Zelenskky's US war funding suddenly dried up. Zelenskyy Putin Trump
  2. It's only been 4 days since inaugeration bit IT IS TIME to "un-grim" the grim war in eastern europe that Biden could not prevent nor end. Pretty grim situation with the grim Biden era wars that Trump will resolve and "un-grim", ending the conflict and the loss of life. Pretty grim situation, all these grim wars occurring under Bidens very grim and very failed tenure.
  3. Trump enforcing immigration control and border security. **("un-grimming" Biden/Harris border & immigration debacle)
  4. This is helpful. Cleaning up the mess and destruction Biden inflicted on the country, the national security and humanitarian human trafficking crisis due to Biden/Harris failed immigration and border security policies and all the highly effective Trump border policies Biden revoked when he entered office in 2021.
  5. Maybe with the help of the "orange guy" now available for bonafide ungrimming (can you clarify who "orange guy" is by name please) some measured progress can be achieved towards "ungrimming" the RU/UA conflict that the grim creating Biden was to grim to ungrim....LOL
  6. What could have gone so wrong that the Biden era facilitated this "grim" world? lol
  7. How grim have they become oh, lets say....since Nov 5th 2024 and more specifically since Jan 20 2025? And what exactly is so grim? Did the world get "grim" since Trump was inaugurated or just as I said, grim for you since the "orange guy" showed up Jan 20, about 4 days ago. LOL
  8. how so, and grimmer than days of Biden? Sounds like it's your world that is "pretty grim" only because you dislike US and their new leader. Oh well, sucks to be you LOL.
  9. how so, and grimmer than days of Biden? Sounds like it's your world that is "pretty grim" only because you dislike US and their new leader. Oh well, sucks to be you LOL. Trumps approval ratings are at an all time high.
  10. Certainly, although the globalist are probably squirming like someone just put sand in their vaseline after Trump delivered them the good news they are dreading.
  11. Not bad for the patriot hero liberals refer to as hitler, a nazi, etc. LOL
  12. got tell someone who cares, and try NOT acting like a bidenite
  13. Biden will be remembered as the most corrupt politician in America and the absolute worst President EVER. A total and utter disaster. But bear in mind he was deemed too mentally incompetent....to face trial for espionage after getting caught selling classified information to his ghost writer for a book deal. MAGA President Trump defeated & DESTROYED biden in the CNN debate ending his useless, corrupt political career permanently and his replacement Kamala handily in the election and saved America and now nobody cares about the brain addled corrupt Biden and relegated him to the bin of bad memories. Biden is a total failure and forever stain on the America he tried to destroy. He even provided blanket immunity and full pardons for his crime family!
  14. Lol....its only a nazi zeig heil when a republican does it. You are brain-washed and afflicted with woke mind virus perhaps and fool no one. Get a life and go gaslight/ virtue signal elsewhere. And, at the end of the day, does it really matter that 77M Americans voted for President Trump and NOT the feckless liberals pushing hitler, nazi narrative 24/7 non-stop! How many more ways can liberals prove their incompetence and proclivity for failure! Thats right, America patriots are far more switched on than the useless liberal retards festering out their hitler fascination because they have nothing else to sell the American voters but that and their record of cataclysmic record of one failure after another with the end result being a Trump MAGA LANDSLIDE liberal beat-down victory and total humiliations of the feckless liberal party of losers on Nov 5, 2025. You have another explanation why hitler President Trump won the 2024 election? And why is President Trumps approval is breaking records and setting historic highs. Lets hear your explanation for that.
  15. Adjudicated rapist....Trump? Totally false, a total lie perpetrated by a liar. Trump was NEVER convicted of rape. You are a total liar and fraud for trying to convince people of your lies. You have court docs attesting to your blatant lies? Show some proof of your lies and disinformation or forever be branded the lying fraud you have proven to be. Your call.
  16. The liberal obsession with hitler, nazi's and their use of it as a Biden & Harris campaign strategy sure did work wonders for the feckless liberal morons when President Trump humiliated them on Nov 5 2025. Wake up call to all brainwashed liberal losers.
  17. Seems there many nazi's in America these days.
  18. Trump us a time machine, getting more done in a few days than Biden did in 4 years. When does Trump sleep? Biden sleeps in meetings on live TV, ha ha ha.
  19. Trump may be considered to be a great president now, and well poised to achieve folk hero status. Now do Biden for a comparison. Thats the funny part, wouldn't you agree? Politico link / Trump is a GREAT President
  20. Bide's lawfare persecution campaign against Trump to prevent his reelection HAS FAILED obviously and likely contributed to Trumps immense record breaking popularity and was very impactful in Trumps LANDSLIDE EC victory and popular vote election victory. Real stupid liberal tactic (I do believe Hitler used /engaged in lawfare as well u can research /check that on google), showing their desperate and feckless existence. President Trump is back and America is back as well now. Perfect outcome, but perfectly failed liberal lawfare persecution of President Trump. Classic liberal FAILURE. Newsweek / Trumps poularity
  21. Do you think Biden was corrupt, more corrupt than Trump?
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