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Everything posted by illisdean

  1. Trump knows, and his incoming DOJ and FBI might do what law enforcement does and solve the crime the the FBI can't seem to do after 4 years and oh yeah lying about the cell phone data being **corrupted on that day but now proven to be a lie. FBI likely planted the bomb, or if not, they would have found out who did by now. They found over 1600 or so J6 rioters w/o breaking a sweat it seems but can't find who planted the bombs. Heads are going to roll over this little bit of FBI black-ops soon to be uncovered. It's all going to come out in the wash when the new FBI boss begins cleaning up the rot at the top of the FBI. Some are indubitably going to be bankrupted due to huge legal fees trying to stay out of a fed lockup only to find themselves staring thru the pipes. Justice is coming, they best lawyer up. **FBI lied about cell phone data
  2. There are some out there that broach issues proactively as so often is the case with President Trump and then there are the haters and losers who would rather fail than listen to Trump.
  3. And throw in the "Life, Liberty & Levin is Most-Watched Show in Total Viewers" yup, Mark Levins show is No. 1 and he also sports no less than 10 NY Times best sellers. He's good at what he does and thats why he's Numero Uno. VDH is totally switched on and up to speed with whats what in the woke DEI democrat universe and does a good job cutting to the issues factually and truthfully that liberals hate so dearly. Mark Levin is No.1 in cable news ratings
  4. Ok, lets get this going. Vote Pete to confirm for Sec-Def and watch wokeness & DEI, transgender and pronoun madness psychosis quickly die in America's military institutions ...dead as fried chicken. Beautiful.
  5. And so corrupt. Trump's got what should be a very productive solution for Biden/Harris corrupt and wasteful spending, it's called D.O.G.E. and it has some brilliant and capable minds running that program on behalf of Trump and the American people. Case in point: Bidens $42B broadband fiasco dud failure. Also, there was $14B to build 500,000 EV charging station s but only 8 have been built to date. Another big Biden failure / flop.
  6. Biden is cuckoo, he's totally not with it. He BELIEVES Trump is the threat to democracy. He should just shut his toilet and go away quietly and hang with the puddin gulpers at the center for geriatric demented by dementia has-beens and make an attempt to avoid acting like an imbecile.
  7. Yeah, this is him, Chuck the gaslighting class act know it all and total fake & fraud, just like the policy devoid installed and overtly flawed and disliked candidate Trump just LANDSLIDED. Democrats failure circuit is hereditary and getting worse for them. Trump has just about finished them off, got them scurrying likes rats in a sinking ship.
  8. here's another reminder for you the self proclaimed democrat legion of brain addled muppets gaslight America, and just lie lie lie and make $hit up that their brainwashed followers lap up like pigs at the trough. Be happy, you are in good company with Chuck Schumer....who is obviously seriously detached from reality and perhaps you need to review your allegiance, just saying. Anything else you want to mumble on about? Maybe he's referring all these good things his party did but only benefitted the 10's of millions of illegal aliens Biden /Harris allowed into the country.
  9. So, despite all the great things you claim the biden/harris admin delivered you can't say why Trump won the election, beating Kamala so convincingly, while she and Biden made fools of themselves and lied INCESSANTLY to America! You can't answer that one simple question because you are too afraid too....you CANNOT bring yourself to the truth of the matter, u can't deal with truth. So obvious, and your type are rife in your world of haters and losers. You people are so weak, shallow and brainwashed. After all, Kamala spend in excess of $1.5B and obsessed nonstop about Trump, hitler, fascists, threats to democracy, etc she went on and on about killing babies and abortions and she lost despite all that. What happened. If you were smart and has some cajones you would answer,,,but you don't so you wont.
  10. bwahahaha...lol you GOT NOTHING. Go brush your teeth and take your nap.
  11. ok, but before I do, tell the members here how is that the great democratic party, and all their great success's and their oh so successful and popular candidate could not take take down Trump in the election? What in your tiny little orbit can account for that? Begs the question, and I ask, who was the better candidate, the person that won or the person that got HUMILIATED and defeated in a LANDSLIDE! Simple question, goes to the point, lets see you answer it without gaslighting and stepping all over your tongue.
  12. You, like your feckless ilk on the left love a good and NEVER quit with the lies and gaslighting. You lie so bad, gaslight Americans nonstop 24/7 and what do you have to show for it? I'll tell you what u got....A Trump EC LANDSLIDE, the popular vote, both houses, and a date on Jan 20 to be inaugurated as 47th POTUS. Now do the lying and seriously deluded "I was raised middle class" failure and do report back on your findings and try not to lie and gaslight. You are an embarrassment to yourself and quite laughable I might add. You and your fellow gaslighters cannot hold a candle to President Trump, that much is clearly evident post the Nov 5 beat-down he inflicted on your lying lefty loser saviors. The crime, you lost big time on that one, but thats no surprise, You are too consumed with hatred, grief, delusions, etc to know when to quit. LOL Maybe stop lying and stop being a spoiled little loser.
  14. too bad they can process it (oil) in their refineries. Do some research, try to get some meaningful and relevant facts. You GOT NOTHING.
  15. Here's a blatant example of the regime media's intentional misinformation for the purposes of damaging Tesla/Musk. These news groups are not trustworthy nor to be taken legitimately, they are nothing more than democrat controlled media activists. They faciliated the coverup of Bidens mental deficiencies and turned the most most disliked and lowest approval rated installed candidate to replace Biden into an overnight Cinderella sensation for about 6 weeks or so until her $1.5B campaign imploded and the voters saw throygh the deceit and her totally flawed existence of lies and total lack of awareness of policy. She was though an expert on "hitler" and abortions one could argue.
  16. Who exactly are you referring to here...Trump? If yes, you would be AGAIN gaslighting, misinforming, with no corroboration as usual. But, uh, why don't you provide some evidence to substantiate your statement(s) about these "convictions". Lets see what you come up with.
  17. and civil convicted sex offender Really, when was he (Trump) "convicted", you have a date, a court docket, charging and conviction order(s), etc, ANYTHING at all to substantiate your claims here? Context Dis/Misinformation: "convicted sex offender" No, wrong, felon status (NO ONE cares about this illegal bogus hoax persecution ANYWAYS) except the haters and needs to be initialized/formalized at sentencing, after the presiding judge's sentencing order which has not occurred yet and doubtful it will ever occur, especially after it gets tossed on appeal. You got nothing, nothing at all to ease your obvious hatred induced butt-hurt. Soldier on with your pathetic hate based obsessions, but be warned, It's unhealthy and behavior shaping in detrimental ways as you have shown.
  18. How in Gods green earth did this "incompetent" achiever, and billionaire, leader, patriot, people's person beat in an EC LANDSLIDE the hitler obsessed, baby killing abortion luvin, cackling policy ignorant devoid replacement [kamala] for your mentally challenged hero Biden lose to President Trump? What happened that made Trump win the election? Was he the better candidate perhaps that voters preferred over the DEI, pro-noun, child sex change obsessed, illegal immigration pundits, the weaponized DOJ/FBI et all who tried to imprison, bankrupt, assassinate Trump liberal losers, the same group who emboldened Iran and allowing Oct 7 Israel massacre and the Houthis making a mockery of Bidens navy in the Red Sea,? Be reminded your beloved mental challenged hero Biden was deemed mentally unfit by his own DOJ special counsel Hur to face indictment, criminal prosecution, trial for knowing possessing, sharing, even selling [to his ghost writer for his book deal] classified material in breach of espionage act! Boggles the mind how Trump won the election SO EASILY when he's so flawed as you want so desperately to believe but cannot wrap your deluded mind around and now wake up everyday hating, hating Trump some more all the while he creates success after success compared to the 4 years of Biden disaster on America. Fell free to offer your retort how Biden's performance or lack off was successful, improved America both domestically and with Bidens DISMAL foreign policy failures, be sure to include his totally botched Afghan wreck withdrawal and show some other examples of his failures, cuz he ain't got now success's to show. You are like your friends at the regime media, all the activists trying to gaslight America and the world on how sound Bidens mush brains are. LOL....pathetic, all a bunch of sad and deluded losers them liberals have become. All of them. Keep crying, the next 4 years are gonna rain down on your hate parade. So, one question" who do you think is more incompetent, Biden or Trump, and why? LOL....don't stroke out with your biden "pee your pants" enthusiasm. Have a listen to this. Liars, total frauds...all things liberal. (where do you fit in with them)
  19. The Saudis mocked and had a good laugh at Biden and Kamala. The world watch and LAUGHED at Biden. Huge embarrassment for America especially after he made a humiliating spectacle in his totally botched Afghan withdrawal. Worst possible outcomes from the worst president in memory or perhaps ever.
  20. Yes indeed, total conspiracy of deception, deceit and outright fraud against the American people.
  21. All of them, all the liberals and the deeply corrupted deep state worked in concert, 24/7, to cover up Bidens very obvious mental decline.
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