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Posts posted by haltes

  1. How can you make such rigid generalisations? I also study this language, though I haven't passed any exam. But I don't need to sit one to know what I've heard my own non-gay friends say.

    Because I am correct, men do not normally use this mode of address to talk about themselves.

    Pronouns in use vary depend on the speaker's status and relationship with the other person. Rao and kao can be used to refer to the 1st person as well depending on context.

    Men sometime use Chan (the female from of address) when they talk to close friends or girlfriends.

    As in :

    Chan rak ther - I love you ฉันรักเธอ

    Lastly I did not rubbish your post, do you feel so inadequate that you need to flame someone who does not agree with you?

  2. RE: Mr Rentoul

    Well seeing as I have passed the Bor 6 exam and I guess you probably haven't then I would venture to say that I know more about Thai language than you do.....

    The Scouser is correct as was I before, if you use it as a man then it has a homosexual implication.Therefore men do not use this form of address unless they are gay.

  3. Bazza this will effect a tiny minority:

    As Indo-Siam says, the tourists will still come, this will have no effect on them whatsoever. It will effect however all those working here illegally and get rid of all those who could not even get a job in their own country but are elevated to "teachers of English" in Thailand. This does not effect the real teachers or people who do have something positive to contribute here. Yes I know work permits are hard to get, but if you are qualified and you find a job, a work permit will be given to you.

    Thailand is tightening things up and if it gets rid of some of the undesirable farangs here then I agree with their decision. Try going to live in Australia or the USA and see how difficult it is for us to go and work long-term there.

    Imagine what you would read in the UK news aboutthis situation, if people could stay ad infinitum on tourist visas.

  4. No Thailand is not a democracy and in fact contravenes the United Nations Convention of Human Rights.

    A democracy is government of the people, by the people. As Thailand denies the right to represent the people to only those who have degrees, it limits the number of people who can actually become MPs to only about 5% of the population.

    Having one party too powerful, with no effective opposition, is another matter but also weakens democracy. There must be checks and balances on power in order for a democracy to be effective.

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