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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. Its a problem for me too as I have no mobile signal at my UK home so I rely on DTAC Call to receive one time passwords when conducting transactions on my Kasikorn online banking. However, as long as you have a Thai SIM card with roaming turned on and have a mobile signal then you should receive SMS messages. Of course depenedent on whether or not DTAC have a partner agreement with a network provider in your country. Make sure yout SIM is topped up though. I know nothing about DTAC One Call sorry but to be honest I'm sick of DTAC doing this. I used to be able to use straight forward Wifi Calling with my old Thai SIM card, then I unfortunately ran out of credit and failed to top up again before they turned off their service. When I realised what had happened I called DTAC and they resurrected my SIM card - but the Wifi calling no longer worked. I called again and they told me that I needed a new SIM. Next trip to Thailand I obtained a new SIM but Wifi Calling still didn't work. Called them again and was told that Wifi Calling was no longer supported but I could download DTAC Call. I did that and all was fine again. However, I recently changed phones and found that DTAC Call was no longer available to download on Google Play. Once again I called DTAC and they told me they were no longer accepting new customers for DTAC Call but the service was still working for existing customers - I protested that I was not a new customer, I'd simply changed phones. No joy. I found a workaround by dowloading an old version on an APK website. That was 2 months ago and I thought all would be OK until, like you I received the badly worded SMS message today that advised me that DTAC Call was ending in October. I've looked around and it seems that AIS might have a similar service to DTAC Call but I don't know if its actually available - bizarrely Thai companies don't seem to take down websites, even when a service or item is no longer available. Two months ago DTAC Call was still on a website - it was only when I tried the dowload link to Google Play that I found it wasn't available. As I say, I have no moble service at my UK home so I receive Thai text messages via DTAC Call when I'm at home and through the mobile network when I'm in a signal area. Oddly, today I received the SMS telling me DTAC Call was ending AT MY HOME via either the mobile network or via Wifi Calling. Unless somehow, a rogue mobile signal suddenly became available - extremely doubtful, that message arrived via Wifi Calling which I wasn't aware was working. I know it was one or the other because DTAC Call messages arrive in the DTAC Call App only whereas mobile network/Wifi call messages enter my normal messaging folder. They also make different sounds. I'm due back in Thailand in a couple of weeks so I'll check out the AIS service and if necessary change to them.
  2. ??????? These reports must be written by Rowan Atkinson. ???????? with images of 2 smileys to illustrate how I think that statement is funny.
  3. Have the Thai police been training in Iran? This country is totally Bizarre...................................still keeps on amazing me after 21 years.
  4. To try and avoid people telling me to see a lawyer before thinking about starting a Thai Ltd Co.
  5. You need to learn about Thai males - most won't give a damn as long as they are getting what they want. Think about this: Go to Nana Plaza or Soi Cowboy shortly after closing time. Watch the girls come out, get on to the back of a little Honda and disappear into the night. Who do you think the young Thai guy is that's riding that Honda? Could you sit at home or go out drinking with your mates - all the time knowing how what your Thai girlfriend is doing and how she earns her living? They don't give a damn mate. In their case - its as long as she brings home the bacon so they don't have to work. If the guy's an older 'benefactor' type, as long as she looks good and is there when he calls, he doesn't give a damn either. I used to think I'd seen/heard it all - I know now that I never will.
  6. Not all but a lot more than most people think. Currently I know of 3 my gf just says she knows many and I was caught out by an ex wife's 'cousin'. Most of what you refer to is regarding the morality and consequences of cheating and I'd agree with you that most will no doubt end up on the losing side. However, that doesn't stop it happening - for every girl that gets burned by it or gets too old - there's another 2 newcomers waiting in the wings. Every guy I've spoken to that is still married, says his wife would never do it and in any case, she 'never goes out'. They are a lot more crafty than they are given credit for - I know of one girl that sees her 'benefactor' for an hour to an hour and a half every evening after work, she just lies to her boyfriend about what time she finishes work. These days I just see them for what they are and don't look for anything serious - much safer and a lot more fun. In the last 8 years, I've become a lot more involved in Thai society when I'm in the country. Most of my friends are Thai and you're more likely to find me in a Thai style bar than the one 'farang bar' in my area. The more I hear, the more I'm amazed at what goes on. The OP, much like most of us, will
  7. You might. I knew that I could get a visa but as the time gets closer and I read more stories about the RTE London being.....tw&^s as usual. I asked that question here. I've never paid anyone to do my visa applications and I don't intend to start.
  8. I could write you a book buddy - when you've been around a few years, heard the stories about Thai women with foreign husbands and Thai boyfriends. The ones who's Thai boyfriend moves out for a while when the husband arrives in the country etc. etc. - then you'll know what I mean. Beware especially of the ones that introduce you to their 'brother' or 'cousin'. A guy in my local bar thinks his wife is totally different and would swear blind that his wife isn't at it. I know different, I've seen her in action on one of her 'shopping trips'. Have you heard of 'Love Hotels' yet? When you do, consider why they are necessary. Its the national sport mate. I'll throw another bone in your bowl for you to chew on. Have you considered that she might have a little 'part time job'? Quite a lot of students, office girls etc. earn a 'little extra' either from the odd customer or two or they may have an older Thai 'care giver'. With the latter, she'll behave erraticly, suddenly have to change plans etc. - the guy might not call her for a couple of weeks but when he does, she has to comply.
  9. Look, I didn't ask for comments about my lawyer - I asked about a visa conversion! My lawyer has done some excellent work for me and I'd trust her with anything - this girl is about to become a judge if you want to know how good she is. I guess I could have asked her about the visa but it literally took a few minutes to get a reply here. What's your problem? And by the way, like the other poster, I took your remarks as smart arsed - and still do, your use of capitals on Thai Business portrayed sarcasm - as if you were asserting I was trying to appear clever because I said I had a Thai lawyer. I am still of that opinion but also very sure that you will now deny it. I'll make just one suggestion - when someone asks a question, please try to just answer that question, I wasn't inviting comments about my lawyer.
  10. Not sketchy at all, visa applications are not her forte as far as I know and she does know how to get a WP. She mainly handles criminal and divorce cases etc. but has company set up experience including for foreigners + work permits. From our last conversation where she'd set up a company for a foreigner, it was for someone already living in Thailand. She's handled a few things for me and she's been very good. I'm fairly sure that if I asked her to do the visa application for me, she would but.......I'm not in Thailand at the moment and it only took a few minutes to get the answers I needed here. I'm not sure that many Thai lawyers that are not handling visa applications every day, will even know that its possible to convert a visa. I am aware of the requirements for the business - just never applied for a B visa but from past experience in other visa matters at RTE London - they are a real PITA so I want to avoid them.
  11. And you never will. Sorry if this has already been said but I don't have time to read all the other replies. Her behaviour in terms of claiming she can't stay because of lessons.........that's easy - she has a Thai boyfriend, they all do.
  12. Sounds like the scam that used to go on when wives/girlfriends were applying for a UK visa. A guy used to walk up and down the queue asking to check people's photos. He would tell almost everyone that their photos were not good enough or didn't comply with the requirements - but never mind, there's a photo shop downstairs that will do it for you immediately. Oh how fortunate ????. My gf at the time came outside saying she needed to get new photos because hers had the wrong background colour. I told her to go get back in the queue - there was nothing wrong with her photos - she did and her application was accepted.
  13. Some time over the next few months I will be setting up a fully trading Thai Ltd Co. My lawyer will handle that side and obtain a work permit for me but, can I enter initially on a 30 day exempt and apply for the Non B in country? I absolutely hate dealing with the Thai Embassy in London and just know they will give me a hard time applying for a Non B be there. If it can't be done from an exempt entry, how about from a retirement visa or extension? I am no longer married and never worked in Thailand when I was but my mate is and runs a business with a work permit. He's on a Non O based on marriage. I note that a Non O based on marriage doesn't state 'employment prohibited' as a tourist visa does. So a married guy doesn't need a Non B?
  14. Not arguing with you but that would conflict with my experience a few years back. I was a regular visitor and for a few years did so using a 12 month multi Non O based on marriage. However, I only stayed for 2 weeks each trip and thought "why am I paying for a visa every year when I only stay 2 weeks. When my visa ended I started entering on 30 day exempts. My trips were usually every 8 weeks. After a few trips the I.O. looked through my passport and asked me why I had not renewed my visa and was I still married. I explained that I only stayed 2 weeks and didn't need then 90 days per visit that the MENO gave me. I was told in no uncertain terms that visa exempts are for tourists - as my trip was to visit my wife, I was not classed as a tourist and I should get a visa or be denied entry next time.
  15. It is not what I claimed, it was what I read in a news article a couple of years back. I don't make things up. Obviously I can't find that article now but I seem to remember the Singaporean Government made the move as part of their longer term efforts to eradicate Singlish - a hybrid local language based on English with elements of the other 3 main 'mother tongues' mixed in and lacking in grammar. Its not an unheard of concept - back in around 2006 - 2007, my then girlfriend was studying for a degree in Hospitality and Tourism in Bangkok. The entire course was taught in English and students were fined or sent home if they were heard speaking Thai. Consequently she spoke the best English I've heard from a Thai - so did all of her Uni friends that I met.
  16. Many years ago, Singapore recognised that to succeed in international business, you need to speak the international language - English in order to be able to communicate. That has been one of the reasons for its success. There are of course, many languages spoken on the island as the population is made up of people with diverse national heritage. However, a couple of years ago the Singapore government was concerned that there were a significant number of childern who were not proficient in English. That was also creating problems over which language lessons should be taught in. The report I read stated that it had become compulsory to speak English whilst at school but recognised that kids might well speak a different language at home. They do of course, learn other languages as part of their education and I believe many schools require them to learn the 'mother tongue'. Nevertheless, just about all the modern signage in Singapore is English first with some signs in Mandarin as a secondary - which begs the question, why would Thaksin complain about the language on airport signage being in English?
  17. I'm sure they speak a variety of languages - that doesn't take away from the fact that Singapore has decided that its de facto official language is English. What's your point?
  18. A deal for sure but not that one. The sole reason for the existence of The Senate is to prevent anyone who is not a crony of the Generals from taking power. Move Forward were actually prevented from being in governance before the party existed - it was never going to happen.
  19. Should have said before, until you get this sorted, go to Ho Chi Minh and get a 12 month Multi Entry Non O there - no financials required but even if that changes, I seem to remember its £5000. Visa cost is a bit of a rip off at $200 US. Alternatively, I'm told Savannakhet are now offering the same visa again - also no financials required and the visa fee is 5000 baht. Provided you have the supporting documents you should not have any problems with the name differences there. You will though, need a hand written letter from your wife, asking that you be allowed to visit her so could they please grant the visa.......bla bla bla.
  20. Since about 2 years ago, school children have been banned from speaking anything other than English whilst on school property.
  21. You download the CSV file and then print that. If your bank has an option to download as a PDF - use that, far easier.
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