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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. I did it in person at Korat Immigration - they did at first, want the registered owner of the property to do it present but eventually backed down. The registered owner of my property lives 200km away and I wasn't going to ask her to come all that way just to present her ownership details. I didn't say I was in a rental, I have a usufruct agreement That though, is probably irrelevant now because its quite a few years ago and the website was only in Thai. It also seemed to be aimed at hotels and guest houses at that time. Its clearly not now - as illustrated by Liquorice, there were no drop down boxes when I tried to register. You don't have to take what I'm saying, you've been given the rules and told how to do it - although I accept that as with other immigration matters, some offices will try to make up their own rules - as I say, print the rules off and show them. If it was me and I had all the documents to prove I was the housemaster but they still refused, I'd hand it to my lawyer to deal with but that's me, most wouldn't be prepared to go that far. I am not living in Thailand at the moment and just after Covid when I tried to open the website, it wouldn't. I've since found out that the reason is that there is a new website. As I only stay a couple of weeks at a time now, I simply don't bother but I will have to go through the process again when I move to Thailand later this year. Not joking at all. If you cow tow to someone who is clearly going against the rules, you make a rod for your own back. I do though, have a friend who was facing an immigration matter much more serious than this and the officer was making up a rule that was impossible to comply with - they were completely wrong. He really had no choice but to use a lawyer to sort it out and faced with the law, the I.O. had to back down. Incidentally I use the same lawyer as him which is one reason I would be confident of success. As Liqourice has shown you, you should be able to do it online but if you can't, before contacting a lawyer, you could try asking to see the boss/manager/captain or whoever is in charge at your office. Of course, taking legal action against an immigration office is to be avoided if at all possible but if you're stuck, what are you going to do? Move house and register in a different area just to avoid an I.O. who is making rules up as they go along? I wouldn't be prepared to do that. I've taken legal action in Thailand twice, not on immigration matters but on things that are commonly held by foreigners as 'impossible' - the farang always loses type stuff. I won my case on both occasions and in fact found the Thai legal system to be very fair and not at all biased. FYI - Korat Immigration have been taken to court and lost at least twice by a company belonging to an advertiser on here. There seems to be a common thread with these Immigration Officers who make up problems. I note you say 'her' when talking about the officer you dealt with. My mate's problem was with a female officer - as was my initial TM 30 issue. I was also warned that I would be denied entry without the correct visa once, again by a female officer.
  2. Anyway, it will never happen. We see at least one announcement on the same theme, every year.
  3. Yes you can, I've done it. Some offices may be being awkward but I seem to remember that things were made easier a while back. There was some sensible comment from some Thai official or other that said something like 'the main thing is that you are registered, not who registers you.' If you have a lease or a Usufruct, you are the 'Housemaster' and its the Housemaster that is required to complete the registration. Take a look at the regulations posted by Liqourice above: and If your office won't accept you telling them that - ask them to read those sections in their Thai language version.
  4. No they don't - they can create that somewhere else. Pattaya has made trillions for the country and individuals for years. What they need to do is accept it and stop worrying about Thailand's image - that's already there, just leave it be. Just remember, all those bars, seedy as they may be, are actually owned by Thai's, regardless of who's running the business. Same with the discos and restaurants. Then there's the vast quantities of beer that's sold - etc. etc. etc. If there's nowhere for Thai families to go, then make it happen, just not at Pattaya.
  5. Thai Traffic Light Colours and their meanings - according to Miss Right Now. Red - cannot go Green - can go Amber - go quickly.
  6. There is no sex industry - didn't you hear. They said it so its true.
  7. Pattaya to become Southeast Asia’s premier destination Sure I've heard that before somewhere?????????? Mind you, they have to do something with it - as there's no sex for sale there anymore.
  8. You are living in Thailand, you should know that this problem can go away very easily.
  9. Although you were, as you accept, abusing your visa by using it to effectively live in Thailand and people who use a multi non o in that way have now made things difficult for those who use the visa as it is intended, as far as I know, technically you hadn't broken any conditions of the visa. I know that an Immigration officer has the final say on whether you can use a visa or not, I believe that such a decision cannot be simply made on a whim. I wonder if, on this occasion, the I.O. had exceeded his authority? Anyone have a view on that? Probably better to answer that in a new thread - as Dr Jack says, this thread is about being denied entry to Cambodia.
  10. Wouldn't work for me then I suspect - I come and go at the moment so I don't do TM47 reports. When I last checked I couldn't log into my previous registration - probably because it was on the old system. I've been 'unregistered' since Covid but will probably sort that on my next visit. That is if they will allow me to register online, I'm not spending one of my 16 days travelling up to Korat immigration so if I decide to be 'legal' I will simply get resort I know to register me.
  11. A couple of years ago, I asked if staying at a hotel and them registering TM30 whilst you were there would cancel your existing TM30 and mean you needed to file another one when you returned to your home address. I was firmly shut down and told it would not happen.
  12. That must just be a 'rule' at the office you deal with. I've obtained several letters over the years confirming my residence from Korat immigration whilst on a multi non o. They were just that though, a letter rather than any official certificate (500baht, no receipt). As there is no real benefit from obtaining a multi now - i.e. you now need to show 400k in the bank for a multi, if possible you might as well go for a 12 month extension when your multi expires.
  13. Almost certainly because he was actually living in Thailand and using a multi non o to avoid having 400k in the bank. That's why even those who use a multi non o as its intended, now have to have 400k in the bank.
  14. Don't forget to check for all sources of food. I sat and watched the little gits go back and forth for ages. My house is on 'stilts' so everything is 'upstairs'. They were coming up the wall from the ground below, found a way in where my kitchen waste pipe enters and onward up to the work surfaces/cupboards. Its amazing how far they will travel for food. I siliconed around the waste pipe but I'm sure they would still have found another way. They will get into anything - my sugar jar has a rubber seal on the lid, they got past that. I can't even keep teabags in a jar now. The key, for me was remove the food source and clean all work surfaces with the bleach spray. In a previous house the problem was worse and there were several lots coming in across the floor from different directions but I noticed that they would avoid/go around the areas that I'd sprayed for several days afterwards. It took about a week but so far its been permanent - I return around every 12 weeks and so far they've not been back. Mind you, I use that spray every time I clean my work surfaces - ants or no ants. If you trace them back to where they are living and can get at it, you'll probably get 90% of them but they seem to multiply fast. They are simply looking for food sources so keeping things spotless and removing those sources is key - well it worked for me.
  15. 30% bleach, 70% water in an old plastic spray bottle. I'm not in Thailand at the moment so I can't remember the name of the 'bleach' I use or comment on its strength. Actual bleach, as we buy it in the West, doesn't seem to be available in Thailand - however, that could just be where I live.
  16. He could well have been a member for many years and posting regularly under a different name. Many people need advice but don't want the embarassment of admiting they've been stupid.
  17. Very common situation and from what you say - your suspicions are probably correct - lots of Thai women seem to have 'brothers, 'cousins' etc. - they have absolutely no morals whatsoever. I had similar but ousted the bitch as soon as I found out. I wasn't living in Thailand at the time so it was easier for her to get away with it but when you dig - the tell tale signs are there. I would also have got out when the first request for money came - sure sign of precisely why the marriage exists. Let's say for a moment that your suspicions are wrong and your wife is totally loyal, its clear that you don't trust her so your marriage is over in any case. I can't help you with your daughter but given the circumstances, can you be sure she is your daughter? Whatever, you are being used and by the sound of it, that's been going on from the start. You need to get out - that's your first step.
  18. Well all I know is that when I throroughly clean my kitchen using the 'bleach spray' I mentioned and seal up all food sources, the ant problem goes away and stays away. I've never had any problems with them in any other areas of the house - only where there's a food source. My ex used to stay at my house with her family on the odd weekend whilst I was away and although I'm not suggesting they were dirty, let's just say they didn't clean the kitchen as well as I do and the problem would be back next time I visited. Divorce solved that problem. 😁 Thai's seem to accept ants more readily than we do. The little gits bite me more than mozzies do so I won't have them anywhere near me.
  19. I'm not sure about that Richard. Ants, like every other creature, need food. They won't stay anywhere for long if there's no food source. They will however, travel a relatively long distace for that food. If I don't keep my work surfaces absolutely spotless and seal all sources of food, I get plagued with the damn things. Sometimes you have to look around to find their food source - I have to keep my sugar in a sealed plastic box because ants can get into my normal sugar jar. Its amazing how they get into some things. I also have to shake the crumbs out of my toaster after every use. I also find that the type of surface cleaner used helps get rid of them faster. I can't find the one I want so I make my own - 70% water and 30% nearest thing I can find to bleach in (Thailand). It obviously leaves some residue behind that the ants don't like because they rarely come back after I've cleaned with that. The ants may have been living in your router but they will have been eating somewhere.
  20. Pretty sure my TV will have a digital tuner built in - 2024 Hisense Smart TV. If that's the case, will the 3BB box be enough?
  21. I'd rather just be able to switch over to them so it sounds like the 3bb box is the best bet. Thanks anyway.
  22. Maybe Thai farmers are getting a realistic price for their milk? Many UK dairy farmers are quitting the business as they struggle to even break even. Only the most modern dairy farms where the cows never go outside are making money. That's factory farming and should be banned. I don't know about Thailand in general but food is actually too cheap in the UK. Why are we prepared to pay £5+ for beer but gripe at the price of milk? Some supermarkets try to excuse the poor price they pay farmers for milk by claiming that customers demand it. Milk is a 'staple' in the UK and classed as 'price sensitive' - I suspect that UK supermarkets are simply using it to compete with one another. I've never seen hoardes of customers with placards outside a supermarket demanding lower priced milk. Even at the low price it is, the supermarkets make money on it whilst those who produce it are lucky to break even. Interesting article on the subject here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-33960879 Its quite nostalgic to see a truck come each morning and pick up a couple of the old style milk churns from the farm opposite me - I haven't seen an 'in use' milk churn in the UK for 50 years.
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