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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. There are only 2 words needed to explain what's going on here and one of them is Bull.
  2. Concur with what others are saying. In terms of her eligibility to the proceeds of your will etc. All that is required is to identify that the recepient is as intended. In that case, listing her Thai ID number on your will should suffice - names can change but a Thai ID number never changes. This is probably the best method as Thai's often change names - its very easy to do so in Thailand. Also, any change of name - carried out within Thailand will generate a Certificate of Name Change. There has not been a problem with Thai's married to foreigners owing land for many years (since 1999 I think) so she can safely use her married name. However, should you wish to go 'Belt & Braces', it would be very easy for you both to go to the Amphur and register your marriage with your wife taking your name. In terms of your UK will - you would make things much easier in the future if the subsequent name change certificate is translated and held, along with a copy of your marriage registration (and translation), with your will. There would be no need to change the name on any Thai land ownership - the name change certificate will take care of that. Not sure if you know but registering a marriage at an Amphur is not a ceremony or any kind of celebration. Its simply the legal registration of something that has already taken place and is just a formality. Its a very simple procedure and takes less than an hour. Its always easier to put your house in order before you die than to leave it to those left behind to try and sort things out.
  3. Anyone running a book on the truthfulness of the above statement? 10:1 he's not locked up for more than 8 months, not years.
  4. About as far from being Russian as is possible and I know exactly how things work in Thailand. Firstly, its unlikely that this guy will get the courts to ban Facebook. Secondly, if he does, there will be some protests but anything more serious will be put down brutally. I was in Ratchaprasong on the skywalk in May 2010, I've seen what happens when the Thai Army calls time on demonstrations and riots first hand - have you?
  5. Great idea: Rise up and use your pitch forks against this murderous dictatorship (they only have a few F5's and F16 aircraft, VT4 Tanks, T84 Tanks, M60 Tanks + various other armour and equipment - nothing a few molotofs and ricebombs can't take care of). Yes, rise up Somchai, rise up and take back what's yours. Not gonna happen pal, Thailand has very little that would entice anyone with the cash to arm the masses. Any serious rebellion would be put down immediately. I agree that banning Facebook is likely to create mass protests but a revolt? Naa.
  6. I can't speak for Thailand but in the UK, the finance company isn't allowed to have either a key or even the key number. Strange - seeing as until its paid for in full, they are the actual owners.
  7. Winning the election has done them a lot of good hasn't it? From conversations with a few Thai's in Isaan, they began to take an interest in politics during the Thaksin era, believing that their votes could actually make a difference. That belief, coupled with a desire to rid the country of the army's seemingly constant control, culminated in a landslide vote for Move Forward who they thought would make radical changes to the 'system'. Most had no idea that the 'Senate' had been put in place to thwart any such thoughts. They had even less idea that they had actually voted the 'Senate' in. Now, the attitude I'm picking up is that nothing will ever change so let's return to receiving cash for our votes - he who offers the most, gets it. Sadly, and I really hope I'm wrong on this but it seems that the short lived relationship between 'ordinary people' and thoughful voting is over. Its doubtful that we will ever see such a convincing election victory again - not for a party promising real change. It should not be forgotten that in voting for Move Forward, the people were prepared to ignore the party's criticism and threatened reform of their beloved Royal Family - possibly even agreeing that such reform was necessary. Now I detect a growing resignation that they can't change anything, the 'elite' will always tread them down so let's just ignore everything and return to taking part in the country's totally corrupt society. I'm not sure if Prayuth and his friends expected this change of attitude as a reaction to their 'stitch up' of the electorate but it certainly hasn't done them any harm. Perhaps a bonus. Overall I think Thai people are now more disillusioned with politics than they have ever been.
  8. Yes, he introduced quite a lot of very poor farmers to the concept of borrowing money. Some of those farmers are still trying to repay their loans - others lost their land.
  9. I am older (60+) and I am bald (although I don't see what being bald has to do with it. Yes, I get a lot of young Thai females that are only interested in money - I weed them out - I'm far from a newbie so its not difficult to spot them. I also make it clear to any girl that I arrange to meet that if I wanted to pay, I'd simply go to Sukhumvit. I wouldn't say that young females are as plentiful as they were when I was below 50 but I can honestly say that since getting divorced, I'm having a ball and have dated quite a few girls between 19 and 35 in the last few months and there's at least a couple more in my inbox every day. Apart from drinks and the odd dinner, I haven't paid for anything and I have no intention of doing so. Perhaps you should change your list of faults from Fat, Old, Bald to 'if you're older and haven't looked after yourself you'll need a large wallet'? I don't expect this to go on forever but I'll take it whilst it lasts.
  10. No, I will never understand why anyone wishes to pay for a girlfriend. Hardly surprising so many have come to expect it. I can tell you its rare amongst younger guys - I have 2 female Thai friends in their 30's, both dating foreigners and and both have good jobs. They tell me that when they go out for meals etc. - its 50/50. One struggles with that sometimes - I told her to dump her bf.????
  11. Your girlfriend as she was was making 30k per month 15 years ago - a salary that is more than most Thai girls get today yet you felt the need to 'support' her? I just don't get why so many guys go to Thailand, meet a girl and feel the need to give them money. Did you ever have a girlfriend in your home country? If so did you give them an 'allowance' too?
  12. Clearly none at all - not only that but they don't give a.............
  13. Oh, is that not allowed? I'd better cancel the date I have in 3 weeks time (22 year old)......................................not! I'm absolutely certain that this girl is different ???? but I can assure you that I'm going to enjoy every minute of finding out she's not - cos in all honesty, I don't give a damn! ????. Why have marg when you can have butter?
  14. Not sure about Thai law but in the UK you can still be prosecuted for burning your own property down.
  15. I note you say you have bookings for the first 3 nights and you mention travelling - agree with you. Although I obtain extensions myself, I'm not really a tourist - if I was floating about here and there, I wouldn't want to have to queue at immigration or plan my trip to include a visit to them - they are not always conveniently located. Mine is 100km away! Throwaway air ticket or real one if you know your return home date and book a hotel or hotels on Booking.com - many are payable at the hotel on arrival and are cancelable up until the day before arrival but you will get a booking confirmation to use with your visa application. Once you get your visa, cancel the booking and your done.
  16. Phew, I'm glad a read this, I was just about to place an order. I'll stick with my Chevvy now. Thanks Asean Now.
  17. No, there actually was one - well 2 that I know of. The BSA Winged Wheel and The Cycle Master. I had a Winged Wheel - rarely worked.
  18. Yes I do sorry - it comes through years of experience.
  19. Me too. However, I've yet to drive an electric car and a mate who has one says the acceleration is amazing. Thinking about how fast an electric motor starts - I can see how that would be. In fact I'm pretty sure they must be restricted or you could go through a set of tyres dragging away from a traffic light ????.
  20. What I'm getting at is that the 'screw up' with the private insurance might not quite be as it seems. I had that a few years back, one of the reasons my ex is my ex.
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