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Posts posted by Jelli

  1. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    While I agree with much of what you wrote in that post, decreased birth rate is a good thing. There are far too many people on the planet and we are destroying our nest.

    Sadly, the population keeps increasing in countries least able to employ them.


    BTW, if men had to bear children the human race would have died out long ago as being pregnant is not pleasant and child birth hurts a lot.

    Two cohorts.


    The first cohort is region of the greater Indian subcontinent. The second is sub Saharan Africa. The only thing that will control population are waves of deadly disease and or famine.


    Countries with declining birthrates. We can equate these rates with total collapse of civilization as we know it as children will need to effectively birthed by the state and even potentially in artificial wombs. There may also be surrogates as well as indentured, prisoner and slave surrogates. Countries will need people despite technology and robotics to simply maintain the nation state. This is the neo lumpenproletariat, worker bees and those that will service the elite.


    Well, that is just hypothetical bs because men will never have babies. Men have other painful burdens in life. We are sent to war, we work dirty and dangerous jobs. We built everything both by design and construction.



    Tying into birthrates:


    The green movement is twofold: to tidy the world up for the elite and their future heirs to power and wealth. To drive technology at the consumers cost to:


    1 wetwire information and data direct access to brain function Godlike

    2 delay aging and death, eternal life* Godlike

    3 get maniacs into space. TBH I'm not certain the end game here at all. = Godlike

    4 to become God and to rule with godlike powers over the world.


    All this is very doable. It's happening right now. Just poke around the internet for a few hours.


  2. Many years back when I was living in a very dodgy little city I found a cozy, cheap flat with a pool.


    Weekend rolled around and the canteen near the entrance dead during the week came alive and I was treated to 48 hours of drunken karaoke. I just picked up and left.


    You'll never get rid of low level noise assuming you have any. It's actually been weaponized. Random noise maybe. Loud exhaust doubtful imo


    White noise?

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, LaosLover said:

    So as I understand it, you are relentlessly scanning the horizon (on my behalf, no less) for danger from:


    - bad puppets

    -shadowy employees



    And that now leaves me free to just eff off and do nothing, while you do all this heavy lifting?



    I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for me. You are more than welcome to your own opinions and reality.


    You will see in Thailand no less massive changes to economic, power and control structures within the decade. That's five years.


    That 10k baht scheme.. it's not about giving money to the poors it's about moron proofing the digital currency that probably has the expectation of being fully live before 2030.


    Act accordingly.

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    This is a rich topic. Personally, I despise PC. I think it represents alot of what is wrong with contemporary culture, and especially America today. It is a major form of weakness, when you allow yourself to be easily offended, and take everything personally. Granted, there are things that can be perceived as offensive, but allowing yourself to be offended by tiny little things people say and do is a bit much! But, the people who are offended daily, by things others say, are just weak, and would benefit by growing thicker skin. Life can be rough and caustic at times, and for those of us who have grown thick skin, it is like water off a ducks back. No big deal, at all. Think what you want to think. It just does not mean anything to those with self esteem, and a sense of who and what they are. Granted, these are just my opinions, and some will take offense to them. LOL. 

    The notion that political correctness has “gone mad” is familiar to anyone who follows even vaguely any aspect of modern political or cultural life. The phrase, ostensibly referring to language or action that is designed to avoid offence or harm to protected groups, has become a sharp criticism. It is synonymous with a sort of cultural McCarthyism, usually committed by the left.


    A Rasmussen poll found that 71 percent of Americans think political correctness is a problem today. When is being politically correct more about civility and politeness? When when does it veer into censorship? When is it justified? When is it not justified?


    University of Connecticut officials sent out a campus-wide email advising its students that the school would provide counseling sessions in response to political commentator and Harvard Law alum Ben Shapiro’s slated speaking event at the university. The ironic part is that the counseling sessions were offered before Shapiro even stepped foot on campus. When I was in law school, Bill Clinton came and spoke. While I wasn't traumatized, I wonder whether the administration would have provided counselors for all the women in attendance.


    The term first appeared in the Marxist-Leninist vocabulary following the Russian Revolution (really, a coup) of 1917 to describe strict adherence to policies and principles of the Soviet Union’s Communist Party. “Political correctness” was invented by the communists to camouflage the truth about events and policies in the Soviet Union that had resulted in mass murders, the starvation of millions, and slave labor camps. It was “politically incorrect” to reveal such facts; the “party line” was for all loyal communist party members to promote the same “politically correct truths” about the “good life” under totalitarian government. 


    Yes. I remember once I referred to someone as being gay. They were very offended. I am not gay. I am non-binary. OK. How would I know that, and how can you be offended, due to me not knowing that? How is that my issue, on any level? I told him, her, who knows, to grow some thicker skin. I am a very open minded person. I have alot of gay friends, and they are all comfortable being called gay. 

    There is no question that the woke thing is out of control in the US, in Canada, in Europe and in some other places. Moderate, sensible people are being forced to use terms, and accept the ideologies of far fewer than 1% of the population.

    Here, I have not experienced any of that, thankfully. Live and let live. I have no issue with anyone doing what makes them comfortable, or happy. Just do not force me to speak how you want me to speak, and use all of your special terminology. I am not a PC person.

    They are not really offended it's merely a political ploy. Most of these folks are paid by shadowy employers.


    All this stuff will soon blow over like COVID. Like COVID the political lies could not last and this as well. They will retrench, wait and strike again at civilization. They folks have nothing, especially no stake in the future

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 minute ago, LaosLover said:

    but TEN cd's for one album. That's some serious barrel scraping.

    That was my exact thought when I read the first bit of the post. The actual album is what 40 minutes? I also realize it is a popular album but Who not my fave band of that era but it's hardly an epic album as well. Never get a vote for best album of decade. Nevertheless, 10 CDs in support of this. Seems a cynical attempt to cash in.


    CDs lol

  6. 1 hour ago, LaosLover said:

    Who would you listen to a selective, multi-hour overview of?

    Genesis with Peter Gabriel


    Robert Fripp, Eno


    David Bowie Ziggy Stardust to Station to Station era.


    Possibly Lana del Rey


    Sufjan Stevens

    • Like 1
  7. Before I was married all my gf were sane age or younger in states. As far as casual fling I was always just chasing a pretty face I really didn't care the age but obviously preference toward the younger.


    I get you're married and both are 60. I don't get your gf and partner is 60. That's a psychological issue. Why you'd be attracted to a granny quite literally. Mommy issues. Worse still maybe supporting the dodger or at least halvsies with Mr Nomoneyme.


    No doubt she's got kids that prolly hate the punter as well.


    But she has an ???? education! Lol, from a Thai university ????

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