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Everything posted by Jelli

  1. This is such a laff. Chinese property market has imploded and CCP jailing execs. Billions are owed to overseas investors
  2. I did. It cannot win. Therefore, it has lost. The only thing it can cling to is US military and financial backing. It has lost that. Ukraine has also lost the good will of it's neighbors. This war was started by Washington and its lapdogs in NATO. The OLD rules based order You can believe it or not I really don't care.
  3. Aren't we supposed to be using Manila?
  4. What can you do with a US address? Nothing. In fact, here's a great idea. Send every pensioner a printout at 62, 65 and if not yet taken 67. No need for ten million dollar website that stores millions of names, addresses and tax ids Before I stated 10 million. I bet it was 15 and prolly costs a million to maintain each year.
  5. You obviously have an internet connection. I will admit it's not easy to find honest news. The Ukraine has lost something like 500k men. They literally are out of conscript They have no money They have no weapons The nation exits entirely on handouts They will never be a part of NATO. Absolutely tragic the military industrial complex keeps this thing going and it has all you armchair generals to thank for it.
  6. Agreed And huge budget given to TAT which they were also awarded some prize for "best tourist campaign" - can't make that up. Cut reliance on tourism by half or more. It's wearing on the nation and people. Just a few big dogs and thousands employed at pittances. Just read in this dire economy a shortage of tourism workers. Been like this forever. Thailand is so behind the curve scientifically and technologically that the only thing that it will have left after the next 5 to 10 years is tourism What Thailand needs is to bring in Singapore and Hong Kong Universities, create a master plan to rebuild education. Send an army of teachers here. Privatize every school - remove it from government reach. Current privates as well. Create magnet schools. Let 1000 flowers bloom
  7. Except the war has clearly been won. Especially now Israel in the mix for US fiat currency ????. Maybe you could explain how Ukraine gonna funds it's continued meat grinder. I practically lose sleep over the death and destruction which the vast majority here on this forum applaud.
  8. No. But I do assume if you're renting a vehicle you have a license from Thailand but at least from home country I assume any foreigner that drives transportation is 100% legal. You certainly wouldn't rent to someone without a license. In western countries you'd be liable for their damages and probably the idiot as well
  9. Ability to start drawing social security, ability to make changes. For instance typical moron bureaurat entered my BD wrong by one day. I bet that site cost millions and millions. Why do you even need to know exactly? It is what it is. Decide your year and that's it provide a site that will fairly estimate a ballpark payout for you if you need more call or visit. Bet that site was over 10M
  10. This is similar to my wife's story She had a US Visa on Thai cultural exchange prior. Applied with me about a year into our relationship and renewed two years ago. All fine. She needs A real job, preferably in Bangkok Letter of guarantee for that job Itinerary of travel that involves more than sitting in Pennsylvania and screwing you every night. Self sufficiency money wise. Not beholden to you Interview dressed appropriately Just enough English to pass the interview No children (imo) You might have all the girls book together. Buy tickets together and you alone. They enter together. I think it smells of something not the least trafficking IMO all of you together looks very sketchy if they are attractive. Prolly nags anyway.
  11. Lithium batteries are heavy, toxic and highly explosive, expensive. Failed technology sold to public on false premise Batteries are banned on undersides of planes but idiots will get in cars and do 150 kph Only women and homosexuals drive cars with batteries. I am proudly neither. So, if you're looking to get some head in while driving your ICE just look for the driver of an EV and give em a wink
  12. Fix to all this is easy. No rentals to anyone on exempt or TR.. sooooo easy
  13. Chinese economy is in the toilet. May not recover for decades.
  14. You say it like it's a bad thing. I'm really detesting Western governments these past decades but especially since COVID. I scarcely recognize the US and the other English speaking countries possibly worse save for the US neocon war machine.
  15. Exactly. Right next to the worthless mask on the ground.
  16. Picture should be fish sauce not table salt. I'm thinking sweet drinks more problematic. Seems every young Thai I see has some drink in one hand / phone in the other
  17. Nurses in hospitals work after midnight. Bus drivers get poor people about after midnight.
  18. How about fixing the economy instead of giving free money away. Besides, it was their choice to go to the country that is the festering sore of the world for work. I'm sorry it didn't work out but that's life.
  19. Jelli

    Back Problems

    This works well but is serious medicine with containdications I fixed my back that went from spasms to some days of zero pain in a few months. Start diet to lose weight. Roll back, forth and around on your lower back. When you're up for a bit more... Start stretching. Touch your toes as you can. Look on internet for specific exercises. As you get better add in cardio like jumping jacks and running in place.
  20. Nor should they. What the the benefit? Nothing. What is the cost? Depending on what's said can be absrdly serious
  21. What does it get you? All I see is the age and amounts I'll personally receive. What am I missing? I don't even see how the is much of value certainly not after you start drawing I think it allows address change but ?? Is that for payments? They don't send hard copies of age/payment any longer
  22. Try walking in with international equivalent of 200-300k THB. Let them do the exchange and deposit into account Bangkok neigh impossible.
  23. I guess all the guesthouses can take down the NO ISRAELIS signs in Thailand and India now.
  24. No they don't. A person spending 60k pm barely pays b150 per day in consumption tax. In most US states that is equal to their sales tax alone or less. Bank account interest is 15% of like 1.5%. I pay tax 20-25% tax here plus VAT. You?
  25. The exact same mentality blaming guns and not shooters. It's not hunters that spray malls and schools with bullets.
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