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  1. If you want to see real restaurant rip offs and overcharging consumers, go for a weekend to Hua Hin.
  2. In the land of the corrupt, does this surprise anybody ? On the other hand, the more you see how things have being doing these past 5 years, the more one can understand that such form of dishonest public money spending is global. Take the US or the European Union for instance. No wonder the usual wokes are pissed off against the Trump and Musk auditing, which I agree, in done in a style that may leave some a bit aghast.
  3. A neglected bald pot belly bitter or sour drunk, will always look the part even if in a Armani or a Boss suit.
  4. What is the daily wage of a more or less qualified worker say for cement jobs ? When one sees how the cheats in the contractor business charge, invent lies, inflate the prices of the materials (mainly in HUA HIN), it may make sense to have a wider scope on the real costs. So thanks for any feedback.
  5. Bangkok Bank has great service in almost every branch in Bangkok. In Hua Hin, depends on who who fall on. Same for Kasikorn, Some of the staff in the Market Village branch at the cash counter, are really rude with foreigners and always try to brush you off with the usual "no can do"..
  6. Update of the topic in 2025. The best advice if looking for a tailor in Hua Hin, will be to go to Bangkok...many with low standards or who are happy with cheaply cut material will say the tailors are great, this and that in Hua Hin. But actually, they charge more then in Bangkok, the cuts are quite bad and the cloth material is very middle class average.
  7. The proper rate must be that any foreigner giving 1 euro at the exchange counter in Thailand, must get at least 40 Thai Bhat. Nothing less. 🙏..if not exports and the economy will badly suffer with a Bhat that is to strong. A strong bhat is only good for the hi-so and those wanting to sneak out their billions from Thailand to some Swiss Bank hidden in a Swiss scenic village.
  8. What was the total amount of her debt of this poor soul ?
  9. yes because on departure when going down the escalator you fall on those people directing which line. They send foreigners to the automated gates, fine it's quick. But no stamp of exit. This is potential problems on next visit.
  10. Any falang paying more then 1000 THB for a massage with happy end and a few lille extras, is a fool.
  11. Before buying, go to any pool villa developpment in Hua Hin..often full of falangs running the show and walk around. See how the walls and common areas are (poorly) maintained. Despite the home owners paying hefty monthly community fees. Watch the soi dogs that seem to find they way in on a daily basis. Talk to the owners, not to the rowdy party maker or drunks who are just renting for a few weeks or months. Talk to the real owners in such pool villa developpments in Hua Hin (mainly all over Hin Lek Fai). And you see the real pictur. How the defects show up after few years, all the bad experiences they had with contractors taken either within the developpment of from outside. How foreigners get openly lied, cheated from most of the contractor/workers hired etc...... But look and ask for yourself. No need of me warning people. Do your own research and after you'll decide where to put in your money. The best advice comes from the owners of such houses. Definately lot from the developpers or any real estate agents trolling.
  12. On the other hand a Casino is a money launderer's dream fantasy.
  13. The taxis and tuktuks are regular authorised scammer and cheat all year around. They cheat any guilable tourist/foreigner. So one time it has gone the other way round. To bad for the driver but proportionately, far more taxis and car hire people cheat.
  14. Some areas of Hua Hin (Hin Lek fai area) are worse with the stray dogs. You have those guilable people paying fortunes for luxury pool villas, only to be greeted with hoards of soi dogs all outside the area. Sometimes the dogs even come inside the developpments.
  15. Not surprising. With all those immigration officers fixing long stay marriage visas for 30'000 THB for people who do not even have the 400k in the bank. It's openly done and totally hassle free and one even gets the "fast track" lane once at the immigration office to get stamped.
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