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Everything posted by Cardinalblue1958

  1. He just told you the criteria of what is needed for a Thai person to holiday in the US… it is quite clear…
  2. Died or do they mean killed due to their injuries?
  3. Trying to follow your logic…watching movies and videos don’t lead to pocket knife attacks…AK-47 a more suitable weapon of choice based on your hypotheses
  4. They were missing but not kidnapped… there might be others who are hiding vs actually kidnapped the goal is to actually verify who has been kidnapped…
  5. 10 years is ridiculous for just buying/collecting conventional guns… were there any semi automatic weapons? totally different story if the guns were used in a crime or planning to use in a crime…
  6. There is a big difference between people with a life and consumers with a lifestyle…
  7. Correct…his macho approach, arrogance and ignorance admin response to covid cost hundreds of thousands of lives already ranked near the bottom of worst presidents to serve and once convicted in assortment of criminal and civil crimes will go down as the worst US President ever… Yet, his cult’s brainwashed followers (thanks Fox News propaganda and upstart social media) have even surpassed Charles Manson cult of marginalized misfits and societal outcasts
  8. You have a lot of hate and built up anger in you…I recommend the book “Reversing Heart Disease” by Dean Ornish…it might be too late though kindle format for MAGA cult members
  9. The world’s greatest con artist has spoken…and the US would not have lost in the Ryder Cup if he was a captain’s pick?
  10. So the other 25k Thais prefer to stay in Israel in locations away from Gaza? quite surprised by the high numbers
  11. Baffles me that people would take ANY valuables in nightlife spots… And probably know very little about companions… People are just not smart period
  12. He won’t be held accountable for his actions….they will baby him… Every serial mass shooter has some degree of mental illness… He seemed to demonstrate he knew what he was doing by fooling security and enough about self preservation when the cops closed in on him
  13. It is pitch black at 5am…extremely dangerous not just from vehicles but dogs, Motorcycles w/o lights, pot holes and debris on the roadside… it makes no sense to ride at night or dusk/dawn… they put themselves in at risk situations….
  14. Obviously you are not living in a Land & Houses or equivalent development… are you enjoying your pool, tennis courts and gym? any issues with soi dogs or break away window bars?
  15. We even have MAGAs over here in thailand?
  16. If there were gun shots, then call them gun shots… Always worried about image
  17. For the initial marriage visa extension (first time), it is 3 months….for year 2, 3, 4 and on, it is 2 months….
  18. Yes, I fell for that idiotic post…to complete all the forms and the maps x 2 cannot be done in 15 minutes…and who would go in for a marriage visa w/o having PP photos done in advance was BS…actually, I don’t think they even do photos on site? And no mention of specific family photo requirements, specific color ink, Bank and letter statements etc… They fill their allotted 25 daily slots every single business day and those who arrive later are moved to the following day at a specific time to arrive… to say he was only the 2nd person that day to apply for a marriage visa would be awarded the winning Buffalo poop statement of the year
  19. I have been doing immigration for 23 years…my advice is do as much as one can in advance for photos, maps, family photos, proper ink, all the bank statement and bank book copies and bank letter dated on you can brag about how unprepared you were and I never heard of anyone being so unprepared…I am surprised you had the proper color ink or did you have to borrow it? most savvy people I know don’t follow the blind squirrel syndrome when dealing with immigration if the goal is to manage time spent in immigration…
  20. You need to have a minimum of 2 months of bank statements and also a bank letter stating that the money is in the bank on the date you apply for visa… in CM, if you don’t get to Immigration early in the morning, they move you to the next day…
  21. Why leave b/f the air pollution season? Enjoy the local flavor
  22. Here is more defamation calling taxi drivers dumb…I believe deportation is mandatory in this type of case
  23. I wonder if he was speeding? now his drunk friend will have to drive himself home in the future….
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