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Everything posted by Cardinalblue1958

  1. The mother should have been smart enough to have baby strapped in the back seat so she could focus on driving not trying to tend tend to baby while driving…. that said, I’ll assume it was a head on where the other driving crossed over and hit the women… so it really doesn’t matter whether she was speeding or not as she probably had little time to react if a car all of a sudden appears in front of her…yet better to have 2 hands on wheel and focused to try to swerve than having baby in her arms…. she risked the life of baby statistically by not securing him in a child seat vs free lancing it…. As to the driver at fault, severe consequences for irresponsible driving….at least some justice
  2. Lucky is wasn’t a real tattoo…her fault for not getting tested… time to remove that pussy
  3. He won’t serve enough time to what he stole….BS in the Thai legal system of getting time reduction b/c you admit your crime….why should that matter? Never fully accountable
  4. If you buy Econ standard tickets, must pay for seats….if Econ premium, it includes seats basically a wash if you want to ensure seats are together or an aisle seat
  5. You guys are so afraid/paranoid of immigration… nothing wrong with leaving country as long as you are in compliance - re-entry permit and be back in country to get final stamp… stop letting the tail wag the dog.
  6. I think he was speeding and lost control of his vehicle….period
  7. Probably a good idea not to touch the money….that said, for them to check requires them to ask you for that day’s documentation of receiving the final stamp…they have no way of verifying without a trip to your bank… and they have never asked me for proof on the day of receiving your final stamp…that person is not prepared to do that nor is part of their job….it just means a lot more work for them to do that and what do they gain?
  8. Once you have herpes, it’s for life…you can control your outbreaks by managing your stress levels, health (other illnesses bring it out) and lifestyle (exposure to sun, wind, extreme weather) The liquid/serum is highly infectious
  9. I want to sit next to Barbie…
  10. Are you talking about their stellar traffic enforcement police unit or sidewalks/bike paths for motorcycle riding?
  11. Hit and run not okay even if the sidecar had no lights….no lights mean one contributed to not being seen…if one stops and says, didn’t see them until too late/collision, fault test with vehicle with no lights fleeing is a crime irrespective of who is responsible for accident
  12. I think you need to tell us how many SK kids study ( undergrad/grad) in the USA and vice versa? Then ask yourself why is that?
  13. Much tough talk on this board on what to do…. yet, I guarantee child rape and abuse occurs every day in thailand usually by family members penalties are determined by the rules that are already in place for that culture nothing more nothing less…… Yet, something appears in print and people go ballistic…and it’s been happening continuously with no response more useful than hot air would be an actual behavior like picking up garbage and litter for a day… Be productive rather than a keyboard fiction writer…
  14. What’s worse - incredible human stupidity or humans taking advantage of their fellow man for pure greed case example - Trump followers or Trump himself
  15. Thailand has a high prevalence rate for diabetes
  16. Why not? He is an American on an American passport… Let the American legal system have at him. A good case study to present to law students down the road after they fry him.
  17. An educated reasonable person de escalates the situation…one restrains him if need be or better yet call the authorities… but the average thai male (below HS educated) is neither…very similar to how security/bouncer at bars act here…totally untrained and their simmering hatred for foreigners rise given any opportunity…and it’s 5am so thugs rule the street at that hour the situation should of and could have been handled in a civilized manner…but the various factors involved in this case says otherwise The Brit put himself in that situation but the outcome should not have happened
  18. A bunch of immature fools collide…nothing else needs to be said…one party drunk and belligerent and other party headed that direction….too bad the road didn’t take them out also
  19. Moral of the story - don’t drive into the rear of semis Do drivers not pay attention to road conditions/hazards? they seems to drive like there is no one else or activities on the road….not safe for soi dogs or other drivers/pedestrians/bicyclists
  20. So what’s the problem here…seems quite normal…kids playing on the road, speeding drivers for conditions and parents’ lackadaisical approach to parenting
  21. He wanted the pole position
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