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Everything posted by yozah

  1. He is describing the situation. Better get your guns ready.
  2. This is evil totalitarian wef stuff obv and anyone who says otherwise is a glowie or utter low T boot licker. Relocating to philippines but this <deleted> will reach there too in couple years too. World war 3 will be over taxes.
  3. You are not helping anyone. You are just normalizing the situation aka working for the tax department.
  4. Cambodia does tax worldwide income though?
  5. GG I'm out of Thailand because of the new rule. What if I bring money to my thai bank account this year but I'm not tax resident. Next year I can come back to thailand and spend them tax free again?
  6. So I can make 10 million baht foreign income but if I only bring 1 million to Thailand I still only pay tax on that 1 million?
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