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Native Farang

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Everything posted by Native Farang

  1. I think you need a reality check.. what 20-30 year old is going to have their finances in check for the rest of their life? We have 50+ years left there's no way anyone is going to have that kind of money stashed away. It might be ok for the older guys that retire in Thailand, most are 60+ with only a few years to plan ahead for. To say we 'failed' at preparation ???? when you were 20 I'm sure you didn't have that kind of money set aside. Remember we were all young once and you probably have 30+ years on us, we'll catch up and by your age would have everything figured out too..
  2. Unfortunately you lost my respect when you posted this article with assumptions, no solid evidence and belittling us and our way of living. For the older expat community to expect younger generations to have their finances stable is unrealistic. We have 50+ years to go.. what 20-30 year old is going to have that kind of money in the bank to sustain for such a long period? But you can sit on your high horses sipping your beers down the local Pattaya bar perving on the bar girls ???? Ohhh sorry for making assumptions but my assumption is probably more accurate than yours. Also our YouTube channel is to document our journey, mainly for us to show the kids when they grow up and all the experiences they've had. The fact that people watch and we make a little bit of money is a bonus, but don't get the mistaken, we're not doing it for our sole income. Again probably another assumption from an old fart ????
  3. Of course there's lots to learn, but maybe when I'm 60+ like most here I will have the same amount of knowledge, if not more (30+ years to go...) All I see is people talking but no one is out here doing it. I'm sorry that were young and that you don't think we'll last here but it is my home at the end of the day. We all get taught to respect our elders which I believe in too but when they disrespect us and puts us down then respect goes out the window.
  4. Our subscribers are very supportive, the only farts are the negative ones (like yourself) who think that a Thai national who was born and had a childhood here can't live and survive in his own country ???? Who can't understand that we live on a farm in wet season with projects going on and big trucks coming in and out delivering materials. I thought the older the wiser but doesn't seem like it, you obviously didn't do your research before publishing this post. If we wanted to live the 'clean' city life we could easily. Nothing's stopping us from renting a condo in Bangkok with swimming pools and gym ECT but that's not what we want. We also have property in Pattaya 15 minutes from the beach, you probably would know how much properties are in Pattaya because you live there right? Or do you rent and use your pension to pay for it? ????????‍♂️ Bottom line is, I really don't mind articles written about us but please do your research before you start typing.
  5. Well hello all, nice to see so many people concerned about our situation here in Thailand. Firstly, let me set things straight.. I'm Thai through and through and will never forget where I came from, and that's Isaan.. back when we didn't have running water coming out of taps. It's crazy that 'Farangs' are concerned that I won't be able to live out here in my own country ???? I know you may think you know more about this country than I do but you can't live here like I can.. unlike you guys I can work what ever job I'd like here (legally). We moved here on our own will, I have lived in the UK for 20 years and had a good stable job earning what most would consider a decent income. We were torn between putting money down for a mortgage or selling up and moving here, knowing that we own everything here and will not have the bills to worry about. Also these comments that were living in a muddy home ???? because you see some clips of the driveway muddy doesn't mean our house is. We live on a farm in rural Thailand, with projects going on so we have trucks delivering materials all the time coming in and out of the farm in wet season... What do you expect? Sorry that it's a little muddy. But name me a farmer without mud on their boots? As for my partner and kids, my partner will be able to apply for citizenship when we get around to it. (We've only been here 5 months, give us time ????) My kids are half Thai so will also have Dual citizenship. So unlike you guys they will be able to work any jobs as they please too with no legal implications. You all worry about health care ect but you have to remember medical insurance is 'alot' cheaper when you're younger.. when you're 60+ insurance companies don't think you have many years left so therefore high prices for you old farts. Sorry to state out the facts. People talk about Thailand as this crazy place where no one succeeds but we'll prove you wrong. Remember that I have western education believe I'm very employable here in Thailand knowing both languages. But we moved here so we don't have to work for a corporation but for ourselves. Farming can be successful, you just don't know how to do it.. but let's not forget Farangs can't do farming jobs in Thailand so what would you know? ????????‍♂️ You can't handle any money.. unless there's something you need to tell us? (Be careful, they might revoke your visa) Lastly, from Myself, my partner and the kids we are happier here than we have ever been living in the UK.. we get to spend quality time together as a family and watch the kids grow up and watch them learn new things that many western kids would never get to experience. We may not be rich in materialistic things but we're rich in life, and that's the exact reason why we CHOSE to move here. Yours truly, Natt - Native Farang
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