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  1. Really? How so? By turning the country towards prosperity and independence rather than division and war as with this administration? That’s an interesting take!
  2. No. Actually here trying to educate people like you who think elections are based more on personality than policy!
  3. 😂😂😂. So let’s see: No wall is better than a built wall. Allowing millions of illegals to waltz unvetted into the country, creating a billion dollar drug industry for foreign entities, killing untold numbers with fentanyl, adult and child sex trafficking is ok! Ending our energy independence, canceling pipelines and allowing oil and gas prices to spiral upwards is ok! Increasing interest rates to 9.1% from Trump’s 1.4% is fine! Funding Iran billions of dollars allowing them to fund Hamas to attack Israel and facilitate their construction of a nuclear weapon is just great! Creating and funding two foreign wars and increasing the National Debt to over 35 trillion is just peachy! Ending drilling on Federally owned land and promoting a Green New Failure is working great! Not sure what country you live in but you obviously have very little insight into the U.S. political landscape! So who’s the dumb one now? Oh Trump is a dictator, a fascist a divider. Please provide evidence of such? How was he a dictator in his first term? How was he a fascist? You sound like a commentator for CNN that cannot think for yourself! As far as disbanding NATO. Trump pointed out that members of NATO are not paying their fair share at all. They pay a fraction of what the US pays and bury their heads in the sand whenever they are called upon. Let’s talk about who is actually dividing the country. Who was it who penned the Abraham Accord? I don’t see Democrats trying to lobby for peace. They instead facilitate war. Democrats mentioned Trump I believe 147 times during their embellishment of an installed candidate that no one voted for at their convention. That amounts to a COUP plain and simple. Their big agenda was Trump bashing not policy decisions. DEI is simply giving jobs to those unqualified to work those positions. Dividing families by encouraging sexuality confusion that has gone as far as putting woman’s tampons in boys bathrooms! Does this sound like the party of common sense and reason to you? The best one is your example of speeches that make America a laughing stock! Biden could not put two sentences together and the current replacement just kept up the lie about how he was the most competent president ever! She is too stupid to even have given a single press conference since her installment by the party and could only manage a 40 minute flip flop of scripted lies and fantasies on CNN! Maybe she can introduce a Ven diagram at the debate if she even shows up! That will show the American public how truly pathetic she actually is! A candidate who bowed out of the Democratic Primary early with less than a 3% approval rating is somehow now a messiah leading in the polls! More of your pathetic analogy: Trump was never convicted of rape. Please provide me with proof of such? Daniel’s was an opportunistic whore who teamed up with a true convicted felon in Michael Cohen! There was no solid basis for that charge. Let’s see 34 felony counts, one biased conviction without charges. Who’s the dumb one now?👍🤡🤡🤡
  4. As far as Trump legal challenges go. No charges were levied against him until shortly AFTER he announced his bid for re-election. This was blatant election interference from a biased judge appointed by Biden, a biased jury, in a biased state of NY. All things being equal please if you can explain in the course of legal indictments in the history of this country how a person with 34 indictments is not already imprisoned? Because they are all charges from a legal system weaponized by the radical Left! They tried using bogus charges to get Trump, tried bankrupting him by escalating what amount to misdemeanor charges and they only got one conviction that Merchan had not sentenced Trump and likely won’t. Finally, they tried assassinating him and this thank God failed as well! Without election interference and cheating Democrats have no hope of winning with either failed or no policy to stand behind other than abortion and that is being offset by Trump with his IVF plan. The continued destruction of the country cannot be allowed to continue. Facts don’t lie but most media outlets controlled by the Left do. Only stupid people don’t realize it.
  5. You are again proving the point I’ve just cited about character assessment instead of policy facts! Harris/Biden had 4 years to implement the so called “ broad stroke” policy “promises” you speak of. Why hasn’t she done it already? Answer: Because she supports the failed policy decisions of her mentor Biden! Why did she wait over a month to give a scripted interview when Trump gives multiple interviews daily? She’s an incompetent buffoon that’s why? Why hasn’t she mentioned securing the border as the “ Border Czar?” All liberals have for policy is “orange man bad!” Look at his policies that he DID implement during his presidency and show me how Harris is better! I can wait!
  6. I get tired of hearing nothing but character bashing of Trump. The Democrats have virtually destroyed the U.S. in 4 years of chaos and reckless spending! Stop watch bull<deleted> CNN lies and look at reality! https://www.facebook.com/share/p/JL46HkgMBJSccRfr/?mibextid=K35XfP
  7. Poor liberals believing more Leftist lies.
  8. All Democrats stand for is spreading hatred and division, Whatever happened to discussing helping the American people through political policy. They have no good policies so they concentrate on bashing their political opponent.
  9. I see a lot of foolish people here watching the totally biased CNN Communist News Network! If you think Harris/Walz aren’t Socialist/Marxists you’re mistaken! if you live in the U.S. the Democratic Party has virtually destroyed us with skyrocketing inflation, higher taxes and interest rates, not to mention an open border with illegals milking the government for free healthcare, housing, subsidies, etc! Take a look at the past 4 years compared to the previous 4 years under Trump. We had peace and a great economy, as opposed to funding foreign wars, losing a billions in Afghanistan, and needless deaths. Only pathetically stupid people would say this administration is better. Harris is a disaster and her record shows it since she was in California. Walz stood by while Minnesota burned to the ground! All his wife could talk about was the smell! These people are sick and if allowed to control the country they will continue destroying it. My vote goes with the “felon!” The guy may not be politically correct but anyone who’s been persecuted, raided, falsely convicted, and almost assassinated, and still stays in this race tells me one thing: He must love this country!
  10. The punishment for foreigners’ disrespect of the country and its people is not harsh enough in most cases. Leniency towards foreigners committing crimes there will only hurt tourism not help it!
  11. I keep reading about foreigners disrespecting local Thai’s there. This has to stop. If you feel you must create problems for others when in Thailand then stay out of the country! There also needs to be harsher laws invoked for those who break laws there. It’s not entirely clear who is at fault here but regardless, please respect the locals!
  12. Because the most prominent American news network in almost every hotel and establishment there is CNN. They promote a completely biased Leftist agenda. The Left controls most of mainstream media in the U.S. as well, so people rarely see real unbiased news reports involving politics.
  13. You just proved my point promoting brainless hate speech without merit. Thanks for playing!
  14. I have to laugh at the comments of totally brainless people claiming Harris has any chance at all at beating Trump in a debate. She was a complete fool in the Democratic debates and dropped out early! What kool-aid did you endorsement hounds drink? She NEVER got the people’s vote to replace Biden, so it amount to a Coup! She wasn’t elected she was installed, like a toilet. The corrupt media is trying to prop her up and give her some semblance of credibility. She’s a joke. Trump did not commit to debate her because no one knows if she will actually be the candidate after the Democrat Convention. After the joke is confirmed, Trump will debate her anytime, anywhere as he did brain dead Biden. Trump has tens of thousands of supporters at every rally he has. Why do you think that is? Because the only stupid people left are on the Left! They simply cannot seem to ingest in their tiny brains that they have tried to setup Trump since 2015. They tried impeaching him twice, raided his home, weaponized our justice system, indicted him more than anyone in history, tried to bankrupt him, and finally tried killing him. Why? Because he refuses to bend the knee to corporate America, big tech, and big pharma and government corruption. It’s as simple as that. They want a socialist Republic, that history will show has failed by every country that tried it. I keep heading the Left speak of Trump’s lies. What lies are you referring to? He did every single thing he said he would do when elected in 2016. The “lies” come from the this corrupt administration and the most of the media controlled by Democrats. They generate hate speech not Conservatives. They riot and destroy property. Don’t even try and defend the fake insurrection claim or Trump is a convicted felon. If so, why was he never charged with “insurrection” or why was he never sentenced? Pretty strange huh? Do you know of anyone with hundreds of supposed crimes that has never be jailed? Is Trump a bit arrogant? Sure. Did he have affairs? Probably? Is any political candidate 100% clean? No. You vote on policy not personality. When the smoke clears, his policies represent what most average Americans want. That’s the bottom line!
  15. A “felon” that was never sentenced🧐 Hmmm…
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