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Everything posted by maesariang

  1. Racism
  2. Left lane go. Right lane stop. I had this in one city. Forget which one.
  3. Yawn. So boring.
  4. Are you a UK Harrisette?
  5. He answered his own question. Topic done.
  6. Post a joke first. Then 1 person might laugh.
  7. Kennedy supports Trump. Gabbard who ended Harris in 2019 supports Trump. The people you name are nobodies.
  8. He got 2008 and 2016 wrong https://politicalpulse.net/us-politics/alan-lichtmans-prediction-for-2024/ Allan Lichtman's
  9. His success rate is not that impressive. Most elections are easy to pick.
  10. My prediction will be on 28 Sept.
  11. Weirdo with a bad haircut.
  12. The polls were more wrong in 2020 than 2016. They are mostly pushing an agenda or simply not reaching broad samples. It is easy to poll one area which is biased. Samples need to be broad.
  13. You are losing it. Crazy people do that already.
  14. Tea and scones and gossip about his wife.
  15. It is your life. You are responsible for researching things yourself. Nobody else is. Anyone from 10yo to 85yo knows how to google stuff.
  16. CNN swing state polls are bad for Harris. They were wrong by 7.5 pts before and only 1 pt ahead.
  17. Polls take about 30 seconds to find on the internet. If you don't know how to google stuff ask an intelligent person.
  18. She talking Trump. Have a cup of tea.
  19. Ive started to follow the silver price. Graph looks bearish.
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