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Everything posted by maesariang

  1. Old men worshipping a pop star?
  2. The hosts were so bad. Tell them to answer questions and follow up. Harris gets asked a question and she responds with Trump inherited $400m. This is school grade debating.
  3. I just post truth. Both were terrible. Only the biased can't see that. Worst debate I've seen.
  4. Who looks more normal? She is weird
  5. What did she win? Nobody can name anything useful she said. Weird faces, and dodgy ABC hosts are what people remember. She has done 1/2 an interview and said Trump was bad a lot.
  6. People are cheering Trump not Harris.
  7. Eating pets is a conspiracy?
  8. She gets told what to say.
  9. She looks crazy
  10. Fair assessment
  11. Looking forward to the body language experts reviewing the unusual behaviour of Harris.
  12. I'm not in the election. Makes no difference to me when Trump wins.
  13. Nobody won.
  14. Policies win elections. Nobody knows what Harris stands for.
  15. No facts in the link. How ironic.
  16. ABC Mods. Awful debate. Harris acted like a 16yo the whole time. New low for US politics.
  17. Trump was talking to viewers. Harris was complaining about Trump. Worst candidate since Nixon.
  18. You did not watch it then. Trump looked at the camera. Harris was acting all creepy.
  19. Like every political topic.
  20. Harris did more question dodging and face pulling. She said opportunity a few times. I thought she acted like a 16yo kid.
  21. Her faces are the weirdest in political history.
  22. We saw no details from Harris just creepy faces.
  23. Her face was weird https://www.foxnews.com/media/harris-mocked-exaggerated-facial-expressions-trump-spoke-debate-comes-across-fake-weak
  24. No plan for border No plan for wars No plan for jobs
  25. So brave going on ABC.
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