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Everything posted by rice555

  1. Why did the DOJ drop the Russian Troll Farm Case when they showed up in Fed Court? Could it be, they didn't want it to "Discovery"?
  2. Thanks for the link, I have the FastBud chart, but doesn't give any info on what to do.
  3. Any suggestions on what the problem is? Coir hydro run to waste. Mostly older leafs.
  4. Hello All, some of Mrs rice's current grow. All the plants are seed from Siam Seed, now out of buissness I guess? Their www is down?? Pix #2 is from the second plant from the right, Burpz Fem. Black Triangle X Gaspurple. The plate is 9". Pix #3 from the L to R is Lost in Laos GTH X GSC, Burpz and High Gas, Highlighter X Gaspurple. Pix #4 &5 is Apple-fritters X Platinum Kush Breath Fem. The new beans.
  5. More than 1.6 million military aged Ukraine men left Ukraine rather than join the military, most are spread out over Europe. To try to get them back, they can't use Ukraine banking services, and now can only renew their PP's in Ukraine, not at any EU Ukraine consulate.
  6. That was just Mary Trump, a cousin. There's a group photo of 8 or 9 of what's his name with Voting for Trump shirts on.
  7. Clean your ears out! 45 doesn't support project 2025!
  8. I believe the the firefighter covering his family was stage R.
  9. If you look at the stage area photo, the people are seated about 15Yds. behind Trump. I think that the fbi are out with metal detectors looking. The TV. camera angle makes it look that they are a few feet away.
  10. Monkey see, Monkey do, you seam to keep spreading MSM hoax on what was the meaning of 'Bleach" was. Trump was referring to the use of a probe inserted into the lungs with a UV light to kill the virus. UV lights are used in hospitals to kill virus's. Cleaning automated machines with UV lights were being designed to clean public transport also around that time too. Some people still believe the CUT version by the MSM, "The Fine People Hoax", which has been debunked! If you listen to the whole speech, not the edited(words left OUT), you get what was really said.
  11. Mrs. rice(555) has been busy, her grows are getting better. Pix's: 1. Rain delay. 2. Lost in Laos. Photo-Reg. 3. LIL. 4. Apple Fritters x Platinum Kush Breath. Photo-Fem. 5. RS-11 X Platinum Kush Breath. Photo-Fem. 6. Apple Fritters X Platinum Kush Breath Photo-Fem. 7. Fast Bud- Blackberry. Auto.
  12. The jam I buy here is about 60Bt. cheaper than in the US.
  13. You haven't seen the VDO's of the press gangs taking people off the streets in Ukraine? How many Ukraine men are hiding in EU? Why were mine fields laid close to the Romanian Boarder in Ukraine?
  14. My bad, it was the little man in green that said 5 Russian to 1 Ukraine causality. Was in the Philadelphia Inquirer.
  15. 1 or 2 days back, the actor in green said in one of his news release that Ukraine casualty rate was 5 to 1 Russian.
  16. It's in the first few lines, 0.2 for extracts! Hope the 0.2% flower Karen's stop their nonsense!
  17. Joe/government had nothing to do with the privet sector.
  18. You mean FORD, You forgot Shove it or Leave It(Chevy).
  19. Show some factual numbers, not dem talking points. If you were self-employed and made under 100K, you didn't have to pay the 15% tax for being self-employed. Is the a tax cut for the rich under the Trump tax cuts? This will go away under brain dead's tax plan.
  20. Ever see the movie "The Dallas Byers Club" ? AZT that killed a lots people with HIV/AID's. That was Dr. Facui.
  21. First, it's "lynchings", and they were in the Democrats run South.
  22. The Trump agreement was changed by Joe, not the same as the original deal. Joe thought he was the man in-charge. He changed drilling, boarder and other policies that are now showing the harm is had at the helm has done. 555555555555555
  23. I beleave there is a subcommittee looking into that. of the 51, some were not X members, but were still in the employ of said agencies which is against the law. Another of A. Bliken's OP's on the public. Remember, his stepfather was was lawyer and close confidante of Robert Maxwell.
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