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Everything posted by Pattaya420

  1. Anyway ordered that 15Mbps Thor, can't be worse then mine cuz 5G access and 15 vs 4G 10Mbps.
  2. No it's 10Mbps but apparently speedtest caches it. Testmy.net comes up at 8 something but I am in big condo complex. Will test again.
  3. Why this 4G goes like that?
  4. I know it's 15Mbps I got 10Mbps 4G and it goes way over 10. Some reports says True don't hard limit speeds even it says 10 or 15. Wonder if anyone can drop speed test results to nearest servers.
  5. Anyone uses 5G 15Mbps True Thor unlimited sim from shoppe/Lazada can share speed test results please. Do they throttle it to 15Mbps actually? Cuz got True 4G 10Mbps unlimited and they don't throttle it to 10Mbps, speed tests go way over that. I pay 200 month for some old 4G promo got calls too. Just ordered 5G 15Mbps Thor sim 2700 year. Wonder if 5G will make a difference.
  6. Do they limit speed on that true 15Mbps unlimited Thor sim? I got old 4G+ true 10Mbps but on speedtest it goes over 100Mbps Works well I pay 200 month unlimited data. Just ordered 5G 15Mbps Thor from shoope it's Unlimited with calls like mine 4G Wonder what's the speed tests on that, anyone use it? Can u share results from. Speedtest.net True don't limit speeds do they at least on my 4G sim
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