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Everything posted by CharlesHolzhauer

  1. Agree! Applying or connecting the phrase 'Taxation Without Representation' to the Thai Revenue Department is completely off-the-wall or, to be more accurate, insane. If an individual believes that the Thai government should not impose taxes on those who feel unrepresented or unloved by the government, then 'tough titties' [Ma Anand Sheela, the former private secretary to the late Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh]. Thailand is a sovereign country with its own laws, rules, and regulations. If any resident, whether Thai or foreign, or any visitor cannot or will not respect the rules of the land, then they must expect pertinent consequences for the wrongs committed, which most probably will not be agreeable to the perpetrator.
  2. The TOR browser's default search engine is DuckDuckGo. However, the browser is relatively slow but enhances privacy and anonymity.
  3. Since you are an individual residing in Thailand, the onus may be on you to determine whether or not you need to lodge a tax return. https://www.rd.go.th/english/6045.html
  4. I don't know their policy. But what I've read thus far seems pretty straightforward
  5. I am glad that your write-up is based on your opinion. Moreover, in my opinion, the TRD gives little attention if you were to leave Thailand for your mentioned reason or any other reasons.
  6. Then why, I wonder, would the TRD go through the trouble of having their rules translated into English? https://www.rd.go.th/english/6045.html 1.Taxable Person Taxpayers are classified into “resident” and “non-resident”. “Resident” means any person residing in Thailand for a period or periods aggregating more than 180 days in any tax (calendar) year. A resident of Thailand is liable to pay tax on income from sources in Thailand as well as on the portion of income from foreign sources that is brought into Thailand. A non-resident is, however, subject to tax only on income from sources in Thailand.
  7. FYI: this small excell to compute taxes from 'pauku1' maybe helpful, ymmv. <https://aseannow.com/topic/1318120-revenue-department-contact-reports/#comment-18647010>
  8. FYI: I think the spreadsheet for calculating taxes provided by 'pauku1' is pretty nifty. Naturally, you will have to consider the DTA, ymmv. <https://aseannow.com/topic/1318120-revenue-department-contact-reports/#comment-18647010>
  9. I haven't. Here’s some advice: Don’t even think about buying this repossessed property. The previous owner may have defaulted on payments to the bank, but he still considers himself the rightful proprietor in his own twisted mind. If he’s giving the bank a hard time, imagine what he could do to you and your family. Steer clear of this 'opportunity' and don’t be foolish!
  10. Thanks for the recommendation, this certainly would take out the importation issue. What is your opinion on GEL type batteries?
  11. Considering the overall investment cost of a solar installation, I personally don't think so.
  12. Credits should be directed to poster 'mistral53' https://aseannow.com/topic/1257405-electric-vehicles-in-thailand/page/245/#comment-19050068
  13. Thank you for the detailed explanation regarding used EV batteries. Concerning my original post, due to my lack of proficiency in the Thai written language, I did not realize that this young Thai entrepreneur is using old EV batteries for home use (there must be a lot of 'old/used' EV batteries floating around Thailand already). I was under the impression that he is selling and installing new BYD batteries for home solar systems. Translated to English: "Solar cell system with BYD SEAL Premium 82 kw battery It can be used all day and night. Installing solar cells nationwide Get electric car battery packs for solar cell work Repair all electric vehicles Lamphun BTS Garage WP." And I have no idea about the costs, but his prices seem affordable considering the EV battery setup. Translated to English: Hybrid 1P/3P On-Grid System 12 kw 3P Inverter 60 KW Battery BYD Lift Tray 15.9 KW Solar 570*28 Sheets Budget 595,000 Baht (Produce 1900-2400 units per month) Lamphun BTS Garage WP. == Roi Et Province Ends On-Off-Grid Hybrid System 20 kw Inverter 3 p 60 KW Battery BYD Lift Tray 27.3 KW 570W*48 Solar Sheet 790,000 Baht (Produce 3600 - 4100 units per month) == Nevertheless he seems to be very competent and knows what he is doing. I was hoping he would sell new BYD EV batteries, which would eliminate the importation issues.
  14. I think the spreadsheet for calculating taxes provided by 'pauku1' is pretty nifty also and adequate for my purpose. <https://aseannow.com/topic/1318120-revenue-department-contact-reports/#comment-18647010>
  15. I am aware of bidirectional charging EV batteries and your setup that allows you to power your home at night with the battery from one of your EVs. How about individuals who have a solar-powered home installation but don't have an EV? What type of batteries are they using when the sun isn't shining, particularly at night?
  16. I find this young Thai entrepreneur fascinating... https://www.facebook.com/poshoof?rdid=7qcACnPtoFOpNfxF&share_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fshare%2FH8xMJYryWDWMMYB6%2F He seems to be able providing ev batteries for home solar installations in large numbers. I wonder why none of the esteemed solar/EV/battery experts represented in either this Alternative/Renewable Energy Forum or the Electric Vehicles in Thailand Forum have commented on using EV batteries for solar home installations.
  17. I find this young Thai entrepreneur fascinating... https://www.facebook.com/poshoof?rdid=7qcACnPtoFOpNfxF&share_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fshare%2FH8xMJYryWDWMMYB6%2F He seems to be able providing ev batteries for home solar installations in large numbers. I wonder why none of the esteemed solar/EV/battery experts represented in either this Electric Vehicles in Thailand Forum or the Alternative/Renewable Energy Forum have commented on using EV batteries for solar home installations.
  18. INFO: https://www.nabtrade.com.au/content/dam/nabtrade/pdfs/Disclosure_Docs/Foreign_tax_status_info_pack.pdf FORM: https://www.nab.com.au/help-support/personal-banking/manage-online-banking/tax-residency-details Scroll down to: Download and complete the form and select (click onto): Individuals - Tax residency self-certification form (PDF, 596KB) SELECT ONE AND PROVIDE AN EXPLANATION IF APPLICABLE: Reason codes: A – Country doesn’t issue TINs B – I don’t have a TIN (please provide explanation) C – It is not mandatory to disclose a TIN for this country It means that all notifications sent to you are also being sent to me, which isn't a problem afaic. I just thought I would let you know that maybe something went awry during the editing process of your post. I think this minor glitch can only be fixed at the support or moderator level. However, I wouldn't worry too much as this is happening with this particular thread only.
  19. My Australian bank sends me a 'Tax Status Declaration form - Individuals' twice a year, which they expect me to fill out and return promptly. I always used 'Reason B: The individual has not been issued with a TIN,' which they accepted. Since receiving my Thai TIN, I have notified my bank accordingly. On a different matter, since your post (posted Saturday at 10:12 AM (edited)), I have been receiving all notifications meant for you also. I have no idea what's causing this but suspect that something went awry with your edited post.
  20. I am an Australian non-resident for tax purpose. My Australian bank used to accepts Reason B. Reason A: The country of tax residency does not issue TINs to tax residents (Only valid for Bahrain, The Bahamas, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Monaco, Montserrat, Turks and Caicos Islands, United Arab Emirates) Reason B: The individual has not been issued with a TIN Reason C - The country of tax residency does not require the TIN to be disclosed (Only valid for Japan) I just recently obtained a Thai TIN and notified my Australian bank accordingly.
  21. Mike, many thanks for your contributions to all the tax debates. I am saddened but not surprised by your decision to lessen your involvement in the discussions. In my considered opinion, you have clearly laid out the requirements in the "Introduction to Personal Income Tax in Thailand," which I hope you will find the time to continue updating as new evidentiary news becomes available. I also hope that no one but you will have the authority to do so. Considering my age, marital status, and various Thai-based albeit small investments, I will always try to rely on fact-based evidence, especially in relation to the tax laws. Being a retired guest in this country with absolutely no prior knowledge of Thai laws pertinent to my personal status, I appreciate you very much for opening my eyes. It will be interesting to see the quality of contributions produced by the other four individuals without your participation. Oh well.
  22. go to <https://aseannow.com/topic/1318120-revenue-department-contact-reports/#comment-18647010> and locate the post from 'pauku1' in which he provided a [taxel.xls] spreadsheet for calculating taxes.
  23. That's fine. That's what the 'ignore list' is there for. It lets you tailor your view of this forum and squelch out the noise. However, that won't hide from others that you are overbearing and arrogant, with a touch of self-imposed supremacy corresponding to the attitude of the bygone era of the master race. I'm sure that proclaiming 'I'm going to put you on the ignore list' had you thinking that it would have some emotional or traumatic effect on the persons you were directing this 'ignore' alert towards. That is a child's expectation. If you're going to ignore someone, just do it. Don't announce it. Rather than disturbing the posters with an inane and petulant insult that they're going to get ignored, it instead reflects poorly on the childish mindset of the foolish person you are. I took it upon myself to pass on this comment for you to comprehend. But then again, I might already be on your 'ignore' list. Oh well 🙂
  24. AI couldn't have done a better job.
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