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Everything posted by CharlesHolzhauer

  1. Q.: How does the RD in your home country handle the language problem? A.: They don't as the language of your home country takes priority. Why should Thailand accommodate all the languages on earth...
  2. Don't underestimate the power of computers aided by AI etc.
  3. With the absence of a retirement visa, maybe Thailand is not a retirement destination per se.
  4. What is the CRS? "In a nutshell, the CRS is a global financial reporting system where countries share financial data about each other’s residents. It is an information standard that facilitates the automatic exchange of financial account information between tax authorities globally and it was developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to assist countries to combat tax evasion."
  5. All this is currently under review. There will be a 'September Surprise - one way or another.
  6. My jitters decreased somewhat after reading the post from Dogmatix <https://aseannow.com/topic/1327622-thai-gov-to-tax-remitted-income-from-abroad-for-tax-residents-starting-2024-part-ii/page/7/>
  7. Because the threshold may be changed at the will of the government without any notice (next month it could be announced that the threshold will be lowered THB10m). Worrisome times ahead - afaic anyway.
  8. This amount may trickle down considerably. Point is the government is cash strapped THB1B may just be the beginning...
  9. New overseas income rules https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/general/2805305/new-overseas-income-rules. This certainly will throw a spanner in the works.
  10. ask for khun somyot
  11. It may be helpful to read the 'Introduction to Personal Income Tax in Thailand' <https://aseannow.com/topic/1324294-introduction-to-personal-income-tax-in-thailand/#comment-18857397> in particular METHOD OF FUNDS TRANSFER, GIFT TAX - What the Rules Say and UNRESOLVED, CONFLICTING or UNCLEAR ISSUES Point "S"
  12. It may be helpful to read the 'Introduction to Personal Income Tax in Thailand' <https://aseannow.com/topic/1324294-introduction-to-personal-income-tax-in-thailand/#comment-18857397> in particular THE HONOUR SYSTEM AND PENALTIES .
  13. I’m glad you found your own answers. You’re so clever, and I’m sure other posters reading this are in awe. Well done.
  14. Your sentimentality seems to be getting the better of you.
  15. Your most constructive and pertinent questions have been duly noted.
  16. It seems that this is not a real issue for the makers of EVs and their battery manufacturers (see comment from JBChiangRai). The fact is that battery technology is progressing rapidly. Batteries will likely become cheaper, and a completely different element might emerge, eliminating the need for rare earth or other scarce and expensive elements. New battery modules could replace the 'old' types. Technology doesn't stop here, and rest assured, the battery manufacturers are fully aware of your and others' concerns.
  17. Actually, I can. But any speculation is only as good as one's belief in it.
  18. "Cars have always been money pits" and (if true) "A brand new Tesla Model Y is now $11,400 cheaper. The Peugeot e2008 has been given a massive cut from $63,000 to $39,990. On the lower end of the market, a GWM Ora is down 20 per cent to $35,990." sounds pretty factual and alarming to me.
  19. Ora is my second choice and I am hoping (dreaming) that Ora's Punk Cat EV (a VW Beetle Clone) will be made available in LOS.
  20. Somewhat OT but interesting. Let me say at the outset that I am a staunch EV supporter, and for my next car purchase, I am considering a Neta or Ora. However, I hope the manufacturers won't make the same marketing mistakes they made in Australia. https://www.news.com.au/technology/motoring/on-the-road/effectively-worthless-ev-bubble-bursts/news-story/f9337c5dc80ab4520ee253f692f137c5
  21. It certainly is a compelling argument. I guess modern or recently developed panels incorporate new and advanced technologies.
  22. Hypothetically, if cost is not a major issue, and my calculated usage is x kW, with double the required roof space available for panels (excluding the house roof), can you see any reasons not to utilize all available roof space for panel installation? This setup would exceed the calculated kW by about 100% and store the excess solar power in a bank of batteries. I also want to mention that my dwelling is far less sophisticated than your "economy house". Therefore, I might be able to adopt a simpler approach but without cutting corners.
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