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Korat Kiwi

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  1. One found from a .303 would fix his addiction.
  2. Just leave your feet under the bike. Once they get stolen you'll have no need for your shoes.
  3. So she turned on the fan for him, heard a sparking sound but left the switch on??? Hmmm either she's a bit thick or wanted to get rid of her husband methinks!
  4. I agree and that's where they should stay. We used to have worms on toast as kids, but those worms were actually spaghetti in tomato sauce.
  5. I wouldn't have believed this if I hadn't read it. The Chinese have strange ideas on benefits of anything. One man's sh*t is their (China's) gold. Weird
  6. Ammonia gas... used worldwide for cooling/freezing. Nasty stuff if inhaled. Having worked in freezers for years I'm well aware of the risks and need for education of all staff on site as to this possible hazard. I would doubt that all workers on this site knew of the dangers involved. It can be a long road to recovery... If they survive.
  7. Didn't they know this is a job reserved for Thais?
  8. I won't say throw acid back at her, but at least throw the book at her. Burns are possibly one of the most psychologically damaging injuries one can suffer. The fact that the Vietnamese woman was also blinded in this attack adds to the horrible act. Despicable
  9. So even nature doesn't like these noisy damn processions. Result... A very Buddhist like act? Burning the bees. I can't see much merit being gained from this. I hope the remaining bees have the last say...
  10. When I was living in Non Thai (Korat) the local bike repair guy only charged 40 baht to replace the rear tyre. I provided the tyre and he did all the work. Labour is so cheap. Back in NZ you can pay upto 3100 baht per hour. Although the mechanic doesn't see that
  11. Never give a filipina an excuse to get jealous. They can become very unhinged and a pain to live with. I couldn't even thank a checkout operator without many questions being asked later. Either you put up with it or get out as fast as you can. 8 months and I ran as fast as I could. No regrets
  12. We await the outcome... In the corridors of Clowngress
  13. It's not difficult to reverse or return funds. They (the bank) will have the details and it's easy for the restaurant to return the extra funds... If they want too
  14. I'll do some research first... Stupid me didn't look into your bike details. From what you say, it must me a digital dash..... I'll get back to you reference that problem. Normally they would be electrically controlled rather than cable fed via front wheel.

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