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    BioPic4Ever: UNmute your life story

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  1. Thanks for your reaction, Cobra. I will give you some examples of BioPics I did for clients with various motivations; The BioPic4Life... When Annabelle heard she had only 6 months to live, she was determined to have her life story captured on video while she was still bright and representative. Her wish was to be remembered the way she was for the children of her children. Two months before she passed away, she could see the results of her BioPic4Life and approve. Years later I received a message from one of her grandchildren how happy they were with this precious memory and consolation. When CEO Peter announced his retirement, his personal assistent panicked about the idea what to give him for a goodbye gift. It should be something original and personal that he would cherish for the years to come. On behalf of the staff she
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