Respectfully, I think you are asking for trouble... you will not get more concise answers - the system doesn't work like that - and it wouldn't in Italy, or today's Germany or the UK for that matter.
In Thailand wordings are mostly opaque - not necessarily intentionally but it's in the language which is much less black and white than our Western languages are.
So my advice would be to cease harassing your wife for further phone calls, and to relax and enjoy your life and the tax free status which the LTR WP visa grants you - at least for now and the foreseeable future.
I'm sure your wife will thank you as well. Most Thais feel we're overthinking things anyway.
By applying for the LTR visa we have all done what we could.
(If you can't stop worrying you could always travel and make sure you'll spend less than 180 days in Phuket/Thailand.)