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Everything posted by Dolf

  1. Look at small and weak they are. Generally murderers look like murderers. They don't.
  2. Because Brits are famous for using ladyboys Sherlock
  3. It is Aussie. Egg, bacon, pineapple and beetroot.
  4. The famous one has no S in his name. I thought that too. Appears to be totally different.
  5. A year ago. I wouldnt go back.
  6. If he was Brit be hiring ladyboys instead
  7. Rubbish now, full of Russians
  8. Dolf

    How strange

    Typical useless response from you.
  9. Dolf

    How strange

  10. Use tongue instead
  11. Poor old Ritchard.
  12. Or walk 26 miles
  13. If i wanted yes
  14. Marathon yep i did one
  15. Delivery food sucks. Not hot. Eating from a bag.
  16. You are now trolling him
  17. How old are you?
  18. You proved me right....attitude matters....your post was full of negativity.....
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