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Everything posted by Dolf

  1. Sales growth is slowing. Ratios are going high. Most money goes into the top 8 because of index funds. Earnings yields are falling.
  2. https://www.oldest.org/sports/marathon-runners/
  3. No the Democrats will keep it. Scum.
  4. Do you need it for games or work or what do you do?
  5. Why do you want one?
  6. Attitude matters not age
  7. https://www.multpl.com/shiller-pe
  8. S&P is already trading near record high multiples Price to sales Price to NTA PER What else happens in January? Next President Going to be some sort of mini crash or so.
  9. I told the guy to see a dr after he waited 15 years
  10. Wow you had a cyst years ago You are my hero
  11. What would you know buddy? It is just a cyst. Flickwit.
  12. So you are saying the mum sent her out to scam blokes for cash. Yeah I get it.
  13. Ok see a doctor.
  14. Cysts usually burst on their own. I had one behind my shoulder for 2 weeks then it burst.
  15. Hot day Hotel Why not? I love a cold shower
  16. Walk to 7/11 buy a donut
  17. 10 baht delivery guy 10 baht Grab
  18. 20 baht Send u broke
  19. I've taken up to 5 in a day. How about you?
  20. Still 5x more fit than Biden
  21. Which of your posts aren't? They all are.
  22. Just a forum So many serious grumps on here
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