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Everything posted by DLButler

  1. I think you make a solid point, and I would be curious to know which it were too if I was investigating a deal, but I have to equally nod to @scubascuba3 because I also believe that whether it's a Thai company or Thai individual, for the purposes of identifying the nationality of Thai entities it's a complete definition. From the 35000 foot level, it's Thai-owned vs not-Thai owned in the same way it doesn't go into detail about how many non-Thai's are German, Swiss, Australian, Korean, or whatever else.
  2. Hey, great response. I've no doubt everyone is really impressed with your rapier wit and ability to put your deep thoughts into incisive words. Not to mention how thoroughly intimidated people must be by you. I know I sure I am.
  3. See, this is what frustrates me (and others, I suspect). We join a forum to hear the views of others on the forum, and hope to get advice from people who aren't after our money and with whom we hope to develop relationships. We want to hear your points of view and personal experiences, and thoughts on what you recommend and what you would do differently. Sure, we can Google it. And get lots of results too. But many, if not most, will be ads for people who want to get our money. I would imagine you've asked questions on forums you could have Googled, just as we're doing. Telling us to "Google it" isn't helpful, it's dismissive.
  4. Sheesh..... This is all giving me a headache. I just want to buy a condo. Are there trustworthy agents or attorneys who can help me with the process and make sure my contract doesn't screw me? I mean, it sounds like you've figured it out pretty well. Did you get such help? Or do these things just make more sense for you than they don't for me? Is the condo you mention your first? Or have you had more? Lessons learned? Anything you would advise a first-timer?
  5. Got it. That is IMMENSELY helpful. THANK YOU!
  6. Interesting. I see a LOT of listings saying it's owned by a Thai company. So avoid these? When you say illegal, are you referring to a foreigner buying a Thai-owned property/interest?
  7. Interesting.... So all this time I thought I could buy any condo because I'm only buying the air space between the walls (the real estate definition of a condominium) and not any real property.... I came across this "Thai Embassy" site that looks like it's really a law firm's site that has a pretty good summary: https://www.thaiembassy.com/property/buying-a-condo-in-thailand
  8. In browsing condo listings I'm coming across a handful that boast "foreigner quota".... Given the meaning of the term is likely self-explanatory, I'm wondering if it provides any specific benefits in purchase, etc. Anyone have knowledge to share?
  9. It sounded like you were telling me to look it up myself. I'm not looking for a fight here, I just wanted to hear about the experiences of those already there.
  10. Thank you. I am familiar with the Google machine. I used it to find this site. My question (if you go back and look) was: "Anyone have any experience to share?". Maybe you can share how you picked up the language. It might spark a conversation among others too who might all say they just picked the language up as they went, and never took any classes, I don't know. Just a thought.
  11. Would a new arrival to Jomtien be able to find any kind of headstart or beginning Thai class that would get me started with some basics? Anyone have any experience to share?
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