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Doc Undies

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    Doi Tung, Chiang Rai

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    Doing Tung Chiang Rai

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  1. Electrocution means death...not survival.
  2. There's no sunny side up to this story
  3. So where does all the revenue from tourist dollars go? Surely there is money to fix these issues.
  4. The reporters always misquote. It is 0.05% not 0.5% so 0.1% is greater than 0.05%
  5. The exact circumstances leading to her sudden heart failure have not been disclosed, keeping onlookers and concerned parties on tentacles On tentacles... maybe an octopus bit her
  6. He's not the messiah He's just a naughty boy
  7. The OP made a mistake. The limit is .05 not .5
  8. That's the spirit Scottie...no need to get depressed. ðŸĪŠ
  9. Alcohol is a depressant not a stimulant.
  10. For Aud to BHT..I use OFX ...no fees and good exchange rate 👌
  11. I'm inclined to think that may be the case. I can send AUD to Thailand with Wise. Not the other way.
  12. I think I did look into Wise, but they don't do THB to AUD from memory.

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