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Everything posted by TCAK

  1. Correct my panels are 520W. I have 5 panels each facing N,S,E,W. This time of year my panels reach 6-7 KWH around noon. Run my pool pump 4-5 hrs/day during the day. Don't run air con much in the day. All are big fans. It's amazing when you look at power comsuption on many of the applances such as fans, oven, dryer, and even hair dryers. So batteries are 100% charged usually before 2pm. If you are interested I have a data from past electric bills for last 3 yrs vs. with solar. And Bday Prang what are you talking about?
  2. I replaced the air con in our (myself and wife) bedroom recently. I did this after I had a 20KW solar system with 20 panels installed. The old air con had the blower unit in the ceiling and so aesthetically it looked good. I noticed after installing the solar I would see the 20 KW batteries would be down to 20-30% . I changed the bedroom to an invertor wall mount air con 12,000 BTU ( wasn't sure what the ceiling air con was as I couldn't find any numbers on it, I was told when I bought the house (2010) it was a 12,000 BTU unit). So monitoring the panel on the invertor I could see KWH and the invertor was 60% power use of the ceiling air con using the same temp setting 27C and same run time. I have since changed out 4 air cons at our other houses in Thailand for invertor air con. Both the blower unit and compresssor unit are very quiet.. Besides saving money they cool off very quickly.
  3. Same happened to me 2 days ago. Pay the tickets or no sticker. Had 1 ticket for 1000baht and one for 500baht. Both in Maha Sarakham. Before Maha Sarakram had several road blocks with real live cops.
  4. If you want to see garbage you only have to look at the Tab Tai park and across the road from the park. A lot of contractors dump entire pick-up loads that including sheet rock, broken concrete blocks, bricks, sacks, and other waste building materials. Then in the morning along the road, Thais throw the prior days garbage along the road. Of course they are only doing what the previous generations have done for many years. What a bunch of disrepectful people they are. And what about around the 4 water reservoirs in the area. Don't have a clue about microplastics do they?
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