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Posts posted by wrecker

  1. The military junta do not have a clue what they are doing. If they keep on scoffing the provinces there will be trouble. Thai junta's are infamous for the use of force on their own citizens. You always hear the bullocks that a coup was bloodless, the irony is that the violence always starts afterwards. As soon as the shit really hits the fan the bubble will burst. But who cares, at least it makes the baht much cheaper to the dollar and it support the sufficiency economy....

  2. hmm. let's advertise and tax Yaa Baa, let the drug dealers sponsor them! That is good for the revenue department, good for the advertisment industry and good for the drugs dealer. not so good for the young people. Or let's advertise the flash trade. It is all very simple tip of the iceberg or not, people should not always go for the money. It was a good proposal from the Thaksin government which is rightly pursued by the junta.

  3. Chavalit, is smarter than most of his fellow generals. They accused Thaksin of cronyism, the fact is that our friends are putting their men in all kind of positions. Sadly enough also in companies that have a SET listing. He is spot on when he accuses our friends of having one eye on Thaksin who is a citizen which they can not bar (though Thailand did not sign many human rights treaties anyhow) and one eye on the money. At least they have a great Christmaas with lots of presents paid for by the Stockholders. Never invest too much in thai stocks is the lesson.

  4. The paradox is that the junta must come up with proof that Thaksin did something wrong. Nominee shares is probably the only way they will catch him. But by doing so they scoff at one of their biggest foreign investors Singapore. In the process they do not mind to upset multinational and small and medium businesses alike. The gentlemen do not see any problem themselves in investing their or the tax payers money that was leaked abroad, enjoying full protection.

    On top of that they believe in fairytales in this situation the tale of sufficiency economy. As the world's number one rice exporter, a top car exporter, and a hub for electronics, they expect to squeeze everything out of Asean, Europe and the US, while making it extremely difficult for the outside world to enter the Thai markets.

    It is an extremely shortsighted view, that did not even worked before John Meynard Keynes was born. This country will go to the drain. People in bangkok and the elite think that they are the country and the representatives of the Thai culture. The truth is that it are the thousands of poor villages that resemble Thailand. Nobody give a rats-ass about them. Lowering rice prices is great for city folks bad for the basis.

    Junta beware, what you call an under current is a full blown Tsunami that will develop.

  5. Dear mister Backpacker; Prices are far too low! Airlines sshould be charged taxes on their fuel like government charge taxes on any other form of transport. Maybe you have not looked at Thai Airways prices, they make look Bangkok Air fares dirt cheap. It is high time that you use your backpack and use your militray boots to walk a bit further, take the train or take a boat. as long as you can take the airplane the prices are TOO low

  6. How deceptive! of course he is NOT blacklisted on the request of a Munich based court! if that was the case the Bundes Kriminal Ambt would have revoked his passport. The truth is that this gentleman was framed big time. First the police made up a story that his yacht was used for drugs smuggling to the US. The US embassy rebuked this, so they made up another charge and another. Lots of crooked police became rich by seizing his bussinesses. The truth is that he was cleared of all wrongdoings and allowed back in Thailand. Wolfgang Ullrich however sued the Thai authorities for billions of baht! That is the real reason why he was blacklisted.

    It looks like the authorities are trying to pass the buck again!

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