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Posts posted by wrecker

  1. . Currently, Japan allocates

    40 per cent of its budget to look after the elderly.

    Japan spends 40% of its health budget on the elderly, not its entire budget.

    Why do people write such nonsense.

    Because it is a think thank, and Thai people have trouble calculating. You will notice particularly in the Nation that they misuse opinion polls to prove things (manly against the TRT and PPP) which makes no sense either. Opinion polls held in a few provinces around Bangkok are stated as proof that Izan does not like something> margin of errors are left out. Even the questions are put in a certain way, which makes the opinion poll worthless. And those polls are conducted by universities. It says a lot about the integrity of the press and universities alike.

  2. Unfortunately they do. Fortunately the person who get the requests for pardons mostly loses the applications what means that most sentences are not carried out. Do not be surprised however that in the next weeks the show starts again. The war on drugs will start again, what means that they will carry out a few death sentences to show the world that they are serious. One big show , as the big guys are seldom caught and lots of small people cannot afford an lawyer. if you take your time and go to the court you will see that it is a kind of bingo there. You will never know what number (sentence) will come out of the sack. Twenty or thirty years will be as common as a few months for the same crime.

  3. Honestly spoken, there are numerous problems in Thailand The jails are filled with very violent people, including lots of mass murderers. In Sydney you will not lose your children, whereas gangs in thailand do kidnap children (Izan) and get seldom caught. Sometimes it shows up in the newspapers and the Thai people make a lot of noise than everything gets back to normal. Shit happens everywhere. And you cannot compare a big city with a provincial town, the comparison does not make sense

  4. That is exactly what will happen. It is like with the huge shoppingmalls that endager the lives of their shoppers like Merry king in the past. They laugh about the fines, it is far cheaper to pay a fine than to comply with the law. 100,000 is nothing of course, on the other hand, here is no information whatsoever in this post, it is just a statement, we do not have sufficient info to judge.

  5. silly question, but why not go to aiport the day before your plane (no overstay) and wait there your plane. Eventually explaining the situation to the imigration Police?

    Will cost nothing

    Who cares about the overstay fee? That is around three beers or so, a nice taxi ride or half a meal..... why torture yourself by staying a night at the airport???

  6. Anyone opening a betting book on the timing of the next coup?

    Let's open one when the day comes, that coup takers are held personally responsible for raping democracy. And let's open one when the rich and self confessed elite has finished a bit more schooling and understands how democracy works,. that a vote of a poor man is as valuable as one of a rich one.

    But as the elite has no manners, I am sure that there will be another coup.

  7. Has anyone seen the Garmin GVN 52 for sale in Thailand?

    This model is designed to be integrated with an existing video head unit and does not have a display screen of its own; said to function similar to the Street Pilot and operates from a remote control.

    It looks very similar in shape to an amplifier and can be mounted out of sight. I like the idea of eliminating the dash mounted display temptation.

    The Garmin website( www.garmin.com ) lists the price as 646 USD (~ 24K baht).

  8. Maybe you went to a Thai school, where math is a problem. The Euro, did around 35 to to the bath only a few years ago. The problem is simple, not that baht is strengthening, the Dollar is weakening because of an insane monetary policy of the US. The Euro is actually strengthening against all other major currencies including the Pound Sterling and the Yen.


    Do not worry you can still make money, ask the Germans. If the currency rate would be a real problem , the German economy was wiped out decades ago with their strong D-Mark. Certain countries are used to strong currencies and will turn a problem in an opportunity. And otherwise we still have the Thai army....

  9. Well nothing wrong with a bride who can speak Englsih and a husband who is not depending on welfare. We all know that this is not aimed at Thai people but at tribes people from Pakistan and to a leser extend India and Bangladesh, just as it is aimed in mainland Europe at North Africans. Besides, I do not know may people in Thailand who are foreigners and married a Thai who received am genrous welcome. In Europe they will receive a passport after 6 years and they will nt be kicked out of the country after receiving a resident permit. In Thailand you will never receive one.

    The bottomline, this is a non issue and should not have been placed in this forum.

  10. What you call a comfortable margin 14 million out of a total of 45 million votes.

    But there is hope for u all, we can always move to the North East where people seem to have a brain.

    As more than half the population is registered there and the charter was rejected with a great majority and as we know that voters were removed from the voterslist in the North and 20% of ballots were not delivered there, I would not be really happy when I was a coup taker. On the other hand, Sothi made it clear that he dos not rule out a future coup. The elite lacks manners that is clear.

    From the 56% that voted in favor of the constitution over half probably did so because thy were simply tired of the junta crooks and wanted fresh elections. As constitutions com in Thailand without a bill of rights, and are changed as frequently as a baby changes diapers, they must have thought that Samak and not abhisit will become the new Prime minister anyhow and will reinstall the real constitution.

    Spin doctors will claim victory, the Thai press is intellectually lazy and thus will simply restate what officials tell them to state. There is so much hope for Thailand with sensible people in Izan who make up the majority of the population.

    It is one , two , three........ and prem is down

  11. 1. You stay out of the press,

    2. Mostly it is not wise to phone your girlfriend's powerful friends, simply because she does not have any, or they are fake.

    3. Lawyers are always criminals themselves and especially in Thailand.

    4. Remember that you are f**cked unless you are able to negotiate a fee with either the police, if that is too expensive or impossible with the prosecutor and the judge.

    remember that even for something as little as a fight you will mostly be declared persona non grata.

    Thai people can negotiate, but do not bet on the non existing powerful friends who seem to happen always close to certain people close to prem, mostly it will mean that you will not even get bail. Besides authorities are ofte not willing to negotiate if you come with powerful people or embassies, as they will be scrutinized.

    STAY out of the press!

  12. Well a few days ago it was al to blame on the forest fires in Burma, and at least they take some of the blame right now, while they should take 90% of the blame. In the post Thaksin period, the military who were always involved in illegal logging see their chances to do whatever they please. If you add the lack of education that all Thai people not only rurla people suffer from, you see that people, INCLUDING the government do not see anything wrong with the slash and burn or burning down of old vegetation. It is another show of lack of leadership and incompetence that this bunch of criminals in the top of the military and government do not enforce environmental standards. The discussion is on for over a week if they should ban the use of fire in the hills. If these people cannot even take such a decision while visibility is less than 50 meters in the early morning and 200 meters in the afternoon, how can you entrust them with an election?

  13. An typical case of TIT, the cause is NOT Burma, it is THAILAND! If you walk up to the hills over here, or just loook out of the window at night, you see that the Thai government is making up the Burma story. It is heere were the slash and burning is happening. For your information the wind always blows from the hills and Myanmar is precisely on the other side. The police is of course too busy at day time to fine 14 year old girls who go to school. I never ever saw a police patrol here in the hills doing something about it. What a joke, what a reporting!

  14. Note that the Wild West Bar attracts many heterosexual people as well, couples and women. What is the point of harassing customers at a night club? Is there now a plan to dampen tourism to Thailand even more?

    Your guys are missing the point. 1. There is a new police general in Thailand, he has to prove the head of police in pattaya wrong that the resort town is NOT invested by foreign Mafia. 2. This chap is close to Sonthi who despises as a Muslim any homosexual and see them as pigs, so what is nicer than killing two birds with one stone. everyone who still believes that this government is caring about the well being of Thailand must be dreaming. It is all about scoring points. The minister in question is Mister Aree who claim to have 9 wives (against the law but who cares), he made his view about homosexuals clear. I must say that I am not happy either with the guys out on the streets and the way they promote their places, but harrasing their customers is not really smart.

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