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Posts posted by wrecker

  1. sounds like big jiew has aspirations to be caretaker prime minister.... :o

    We all know how it ends. when Chavalit will not be made prime minister just as last time when Suchinda became PM, he will switch sides immediately and create trouble with his old buddy Chamlong. Chavalit is many times more dangerous than Thaksin. Without bthe help of Chavalit Thaksin would never have become PM in the ifrst place as the courts would have banned him for 5 years for concealing assets. It was Chavalit who used his influence on the courts.

    But you are right. Big Jiew always see his chances when a coup occurs.

  2. Dear mister Somchai is showing his true face very fast. He asks for peace with one hand and with the other hand he commits violence. Shows what kind of a person he is.


    You mean that you are from another planet than most of us are? You are from the planet, which featured, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot and other great individuals who thought that a parliament was not need needed. The same kind of people like you who find it quite okay that elected representatives are not allowed to gather, because it was elected by 70% of the voters. The true face of PAD is a system were they can keep on going steeling form the poor, where chulalongkorn is 100% reserved for the rich and where a patron system is doing the trick? People like Sonthi have had their portion when they robbed the country through their strategic Non performing Loans, The Chinese (90% of the protestors are Chinese) could opt to go back to their motherland if they do not like te fact that REAL Thai people get what are really theirs. But I suppose we have to wait till one certain councilor who ruled the country for 8 years as UNELECTED prime minister is gone. Well that would not be too long anymore.

    The bombs planted two years ago on new Years Eve where the very same bombs who destroyed a car. the very same bombs who ripped of limbs from the protestors. Not low grade tear gas grenades caused the wounds. I have served in many bad places on earth and all bomb makers, especially the ones without experiences ALL suffer the same faith and wounds. Going short SOM NAM NAA, and the government should end it for once an for all by using all the force possible, in order to let the protestors adhere to democratic principles. They can form a party, and stand for elections in a few months or years. I understand they do not like that idea, because they will not even gain 1% of the Votes. Chamlong knows this, as he already was decimated after the last time that he was prime minister. Chamlong is a nasty person, who caused the country immense demage. First in 1977, than in 1992, again in 2006 and now again. He shows his real face over and over again. But also here is a silver lining, Thaksin, his children, the rural young they will all still be very much alive and kicking when he has gone a long time. That must hurt him and his movement especially when they realize that the mass have been woken by Thaksin.

  3. It is amazing that powerful people seem to support the PAD. Yes the police have used forced. Yes the accidents happend because of the baricades set up by the PAD itself, and yes it is in any society unthinkable that a mob would prevent parliament from doing its duty. people who support the PAD are therefore either supporters of a dictatorship or they have a vested interest in preventing the democracy from working properly.

    The people who stand to lose from a working democracy are: Chamlong (he should surrender his illegally occupied land and start paying taxes), Sonthi (with his billions in bath of unpaid bills and his startegic non performing loans), the military who have seen an indecent increase in their budget while the poor cannot feed themselves anymore, other men in uniforma who pocket money from the illegal lottery (money that previously went to students nationwide), the peoplee with old money who became rich by keeping an abundant number of poor and who prevented them from getting a decent education, the mafia in the sex trade and in the industry who need desperate people. goin short by not showing up in parliament, the Democrat party showed their real face. We knew that alreay however, when Chuan refused to honor the commitments of the Chavalit government on paying people in izan who got displaced by the Pak moon dam.

    The police action might have been disorganized, but if people attack the police and throw teargas cannisters in police stations, if the blcok the people's representatives from voting, they commit the most serious of offenses in a democracy. In the US, Europe, or Japan, these people would end up in jail for a very very long time.

  4. I'll publicly burn my UK passport outside the Bangkok Embassy if they are granted asylum.

    Good, I personally give them my thumbs up when they give him exile. He has done a lot good for the people of Thailand, unlike Chuan, Chavalit, Banharn and lots of others who only filled their pockets. Best joke of it all is that the son of Thailand most corrupt prime minister ever Choonhavan, is lecturing people like you about being an honest politician. I suppose only you believe in them. But never w=mind have a good dream and go for the people of the PAD who are the biggest undemocratic criminals of all.

  5. Absolutely disgusting that such a criminal was allowed to vote first before hauled off to prison!

    I agree, a man who was with others in charge of an army which as involved in the massacre in the 70's a man who lead protestors to burn down the lottery building which lead to another mass murder and a man who tried to get the army or the policed involved again by attacking government house, airports and tv stations should never have been allowed to vote. If he and Sonthi believe that it is better in china they should go there. Do not talk about paying the motherland back as it is still not sure which motherland these Chinese protestors mean.

  6. A typical case of Som Nam Naa, personally I hope, that not only the taxi drivers, but also the mailmen, the service girls, the street sweepers and all others block the roads to airports. If you allow te PAD to get away with it, there is not a reason (other than Prem maybe) to stop any other group of people. This is what you get when you do not clean up the dirt. First government house needs to be retaken even when it breaks a few eggs and than te people responsible for the airport blockades in the South Arrested. Now anyone knows it is okay and they wil get attention.

  7. There is nothing wrong with a shake-out in the banking system. The hedge funs will be next and will be decimated. It takes 6 months for investors to withdraw their money from hedge funds. What is much more shocking is that there is not one foreign bank suing the socks off of the American so called advisor companies who repackaged the bad debts, neither have I see any European fund manager who was sacked because he or she signed off for securities which they did not understood.

    For the Thai banks: Well Siam Commercial is incredible weak, they only still exist as an independent entity because the Crown Property bureau is a major shareholder the nationalized banks still have a tier 1 capital which are nowhere near international standards. It seems that the person who things that Thailand will be affected 12 year after the US must buy a ticket to Germany. Over there and in france there were also comments that their banks would not be affected. In a matter of fact, if you look at the balance sheets of for instance the Deutsche bank, which has a balance total of 4/5 of the German economy with 2000 billion dollar or the UK bank Barclays with 1640 Billion outstanding ( more than the entire Britisch economy) it means that these banks are all significantly bigger than American banks but subsequently too big to rescue. Combine this with the fact that American banks loan 20 times their own capital and European banks 35 times, it will be a real bloodbath soon. And to think that Thailand will be unaffected both in banking and export is utmost stupidity.

  8. For those whom did not believed yet that the courts were biased and receive their marching orders from high places it might be very clear by now. It is time that plan B will be taken. A new party (quickly needed as politicians need to be a member for 60 days), a pardon for the 111 old TRT people who are not able to be active in politics for 5 years. (this government can still pass this). If the courts were so concerned about the constitution the would have removed anti democratic elements from government house. This is a useless ruling as Samak can be reinstated in a few days. However he will with these courts probably go to jail for 24 months for defaming another crook. All the current parties have the need to change this absurd constitution. If I spend money in this system, you go to jail. Al parties will be disbanded. We have to wait at leats another ten years till all oldies are gone forever.

  9. There was no choice. As long as we are succumbed to mob rule there is no way out. One man could make the difference he did not want to do so. Samak has no choice, not one single government would allow people to take over its seat or block airports. PAD is above the law. I am afraid that in the coming ten years there will be no difference, first all the old men have to be to old to wield their influence. Shocking is the stance of Chulalongkorn lecturers the mouthpiece of the state. Compare those to that of Thammasat or those well known lecturers from abroad like the university of Maryland, who call the PAd a fascist party.

  10. First of all, the protestors are almost all Chinese (when they ask you when you go home, you should return the question) secondly the protestors are all anti foreigners. So they do not care at all.

    I was at the site today. If there were more than a few thousand people than I eat my shoes. Still groups of idiots are running around with sticks. One par of the road, wired one free to move. Che seem to be popular. I saw his face on many black t-shirts. the lack of education is painfully clear. Che Quevara would turn himself over in his grave knowing that the elite is misusing his image to keep the poor and their votes suppressed.

    It is amazing to see that a handful of people can hold a nation hostage. They sem to have the backing of the boss.

  11. cool more madness and mayhem. Thailand has been like a hamster on a wheel going nowhere in the last four years thanks to the political situation. If it keeps up, it will go the way of the Philippines, a decaying country with little hope of making any progress. It's too bad. Siam has a lot going for it, but what's been going on with Thaksin, the coup-makers, the junta, the PAD and Samak, well it's just one bad joke after another.

    Let's make it the last 3 year. That is what you get if you do not recognize democratic processes. If you are a sore loser and you keep on losing elections than it seems in Thailand, it is fine to take what you want. Thai people are sometimes like little children. If you read between the lines, 100 drivers seem to be able to halt the railway services simply because they refuse to remove the trains from the tracks in stations. It has nothing to do with civil disobedience but with creating Mayhem. Let;s see if Prem cs will start paying their salaries next week. Not getting paid hurts. And I wonder if all those hundreds of thousands of other government workers who will not get paid or paid later because of the siege of the ministry of finance do love the PAD still as much.

  12. There is only one word for the PAD. SCUM. People who do not understand how democracy work. people who prevent hundreds of thousands of people from going to work and make a living.

    When ill the government and the courts seize the money used to pay these professional protestors. it is obvious that they have never ever worked themselves. They are for hire. Cutting electricity in a BTS station is not only illegal it is dangerous and endagers lives. They need to be sentenced to life inprisonment

  13. At least Thaksin just lost his say that the government isn't his pals...

    Nothing changed and of course they do not want to have him back, Thaksin in jail would be a nightmare a recipe for a civil war. A deal has been reached months ago. He will leave, his money will be confiscated by the tax authorities, they take the back taxes and the fine and the remainder is returned to his son and daughter who owned the company on paper anyhow. It looks by the way that you do not have a clue of what is going on outside Bangkok. Thaksin or his stand in, as long as it is clear that he or she has Thaksin's support would win any election with two fingers in the nose.

  14. Thai courts are always going for the easiest way, that means going with the most influential people for the moment. They are obvious still the happy few related to the anti democratic PAD in oder to avoid civil unrest. It is therefore interesting that they allowed bail precisely for this reason. If the courts were unbiased they would have prosecuted people like Sondhi and Chamlong long ago for the ame reasons. If the courts were unbiased almost all business people should now fear for their freedom as the charges go back 11 years ago and the constructions are still very common. Locking Thaksin and his wife up would spell the end for the elite. It is the way to create a bloody uprising. By the way it is unlikely they spend any time in jail as long as Thaksin can keep on winning elections. The PM can pardon anyone. Maybe Thaksin should give the PAd the finger and announce his come back. He would get an outright majority without even campaigning, he has just 3 years waiting to do, but an announcement would change the political landscape immediately and improve his court cases dramatically too. Not one judge would dare to order mass murder. Thaksin would still be able to get 60% of the votes without campaigning and with two fingers in his nose.

  15. How shameless can one be. 54 People killed in a truck, as the employer was no identified it is no human trafficking but illegal entry! Wow, what about the driver, how about officials looking the other way and how about people paying almost a year wages? Illegal entry??

    Databases? Great, unfortunately for Thailand they have to set it up themselves as they will not even get a list lost passports from Western countries, as they simply do not trust the system. We should classify this speech therefore as just another speech of just another nice hi-raki. I bet that we get a copy of the statement next year from another chap. I agree with whatsoever, I assume it is the niceties that have to be performed by Thai Visa, because it is crap

  16. The legalized gambling should help... :o

    Absolutely spot on! but the PAD boys will come after anyone who tries to improve the standard of living of ordinary Thais. Being it the 3 digit lottery, being it the listing of beer Chang on the stock exchange or opening casino's. Their friends do not accept competition, now it flows into the pockets of certain people and if a university lecturer publishes the figures of the money trail of our upstanding friends, he is no longer able to keep on living in Thailand.

  17. Well actually they ceased operations weeks ago already to 2 of these destinations. The problem with these companies is of course that they are non serious. An airline created out of Thai airways to compete with the same company is ludicrous especially when you see that TG is offering great value for money especially with the promotional fairs. So instead of one full airplane you have two half filled airliners. I suppose that the fact that Bangkok has two airports must frive airlines and heir customers crazy too, but than again our military need to make some money too (Don Muang).

  18. However, Benzene 91, Premium & Kerosene (airline industry) are not receiveing any excise tax cut.

    Benzene 91 is the main fuel used by the poor & farmers because the small engines are not suited / tuned to work well on the Gasahol blends.


    wich is of course not true. The new gasohol is not as aggressive as it was before and thus it works okay with almost all engines. However I agree that it does not make any sense to cut taxes, it would worsen Thailands budget problems and with outright idiots protesting at the PTT for a re-nationalizing of the PTT Thailand needs this income badly as a buffer for the bad economic prospects that lay ahead thanks to the fake monk Chamlong and his methods. Multinationals will rethink their strategy and will walk away from Thailand (and Vietnam). A sympathetic move therefore but one that is contra-productive.

  19. It is the first of many, but most business models are not sustainable. These airlines are ran by amateurs. They seldom hedge their risks. I can easily recall all the times that I was the one and only passenger in a Fokker 50 from another small airline which seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth. But honestly spoken I do not believe one word of the story printed here. The real reason is that this airline does not get an insurance policy anymore, and was flying for many years without any policy at all. If you follow the story that is unfolding in the US courts it is clear that they face completely different hurdles than other Thai airlines.

    Airlines (except for a very few) are mostly run by charlatans. It makes sense to have an airline for status or money laundering.

  20. The letter states that it is a traditional practice by many people in Thai society to declare their intention not to have alcoholic drinks in observance of the Buddhist Lent.

    Then let people state their intention and let the rest drink what they want.

    How funny, as if Christians do not force other religions to close their offices on Christmas or on Sundays. This is a Buddhist country, and there is nothing wrong with not drinking booze for a few days. If not being able to drink alcohol is really a problem, seek immediate medical attention!

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