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Everything posted by KireB

  1. Has anyone seen the shoddy work done on the rail overpasses in Prachuap?
  2. I dont smoke, nor do I eat hotdogs. Do you?
  3. His war on drugs has nothing to do with fining 4 unruly tourists.
  4. No, I know exactly what is going on here, but fail to understand your 'comparison' with road safety, Thaksin. It seems totally unrelated imho. It's very simple, smoke your weed in a dispensary or at home and don't bother others.
  5. What are you on? 4 foreigners smoking weed, and thus bothering others, got fined, and what do you bring to the equation: Thaksin and road safety? Are you feeling ok?
  6. You could just ignore him or his post, instead of insulting others like you always do. Get a life!
  7. I believe that people who have never fought a war, should never sent other to their demise. Eat the rich, Trump can send his infantile son.
  8. So, all 4 were cowards who sent young men to war for the financial benefits of the American elites.
  9. I didnt know you were a big Trump fan. Must have a very low IQ then.
  10. Fake medical grounds, so yes a total coward. How can you defend the indefensible?
  11. Why would my opinion be ridiculous? Why would you live in a tropical country and drink at night? People in Thailand go to bed early and rise early. Not rocket Science, nor ridiculous. But you like to show your teeth, I guess.
  12. Some of us are even counting the minutes until their next beer. Who wants to drink past midnight anyway?
  13. You mean the almost 40 trillion dollars National debt? Interest payments more than military spending, and the only way to service debt is inflating the money supply. The US economy is like the Titanic, will Trump be its proverbial iceberg?
  14. Didn't he avoid several military drafts as a young man? So yes, a total coward. Do you what he looks like? An Oompa Loompa, he has the same color.
  15. The official investigation mentions a pancake theory. Any other theorie is speculation.
  16. First you smile, than you ask to get it re-cook it. Always works for me.
  17. 10 years in the slammer will do this invertabrate well
  18. You, and your hillbilky lot, should have said that before sending more than a million young men to their grave. The US, and its citizens, will now go in the history books as traitors. The whole world, except for Russia and North Korea, spits on you. Thanks to the orange bully. You will one day pay a price for that. Who owns your National debt? Do you know how Europeans see America? A 3rd world backwatervwith too many guns and bombs. How many people live in poverty in the US? Health care? Gini index? Infrastructure? Culture? 3rd world, so good riddance. Make and keep your friends close, dont kick'm in their teeth when they are down. The US has shown its true colors.
  19. The old chestnut for criminal behavior.
  20. Thank you for doing that. American by any chance?
  21. Jet fuel alone will melt all the steel beams, there is no need for thermite. According to the 'official' investigation that is,
  22. Koh Talu is was famous for its beautiful and healthy coral reefs. Private island, so I don't understand why these barges were near the shore.
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