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Everything posted by KireB

  1. Your ignorance knows no boundaries. How many Russians died for the sake of Europe? Have you ever talked with Russian people, for example about the war? As you are at square 10, I'm sure you have multiple perspectives of this conflict.
  2. Now we are back at square one, did or didn't the Russian armies liberate and thus save Europe?
  3. How can opinion be wrong? Most opinions are wrong, especially yours. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. ps: do you see I'm old and wise enough not to use emojis?
  4. Of course opinion, we are commenting on a forum, not the BBC website. Do you take everything you read here as fact? Now I understand why you are so uptight and wrong all the time.
  5. No facts here, just opinion. Maybe that's why you seem confused .
  6. Ok, you admit you have no clue.
  7. Really, wow I didn't know that. There were no Nazis in France, Italy or Austria, just to name a few of countries. But sure, I will look at a map. Which map do you recommend? My first Atlas?
  8. So you are contradicting yourself. Enough said.
  9. How can a country in war hold elections?
  10. If you are blind to historic facts, you must have been one of the children not be left behind. What do they teach in US schools about history?
  11. I'm sure you can't back this statement up with any sources or proof.
  12. Do you believe the US can hold on to its petro status? Are hou that naive? How about China, India, the other Brics, EU? Who will help you defend your mighty dollar? As I said, the US hegemonynis almost over, the next empire will take over. As for your insults, that's probably how you are, a school yard bully just as your orange hero.
  13. Can we pay in Yuan, the next global currency.
  14. Let's see what is left of the US economy once the petro dollar looses its special status. How high is the US national debt again? The interest payments are already more than military spending. The US economy is finished, a financial abyss and cvil war are looming, as you cant keep on inflating your money supply. I give it 5 to 10 years max, before the house of cards (aka the Great American Ponzi scheme ) collapses.
  15. I didn't know you were a Trump fan or voter even, though I could have guessed seen your hostile reactions lately. If you can't understand that both Trump's and Vance's words are increasing the risk of war in Europe, you aren't a very intelligent teacher, whether your 7 year old students give you heart stickers on Valentine's day, or not. Have a fantastic day.
  16. His antics might ignite a larger scale war in Europe, and his and Vance' diplimacy are that of school yard bullies. Could be the right approach, could be WW3.
  17. I live walking distance from a beautiful Andaman beach, without any tourists, and always bring a garbage bag with me. The locals are all smiling and waving to the farang ba. Some of the children help me when they see me. 1 bag a time, is a drop in the ocean, but it makes me feel good.
  18. I buy several items a day and have never been charged. Try using PromptPay.
  19. I don't think senior tourist will be very positive about their stay.
  20. Isn't there a minimum age requirement on AseanNow?
  21. Yes, that will solve 1% of the problem
  22. At least they speak a foreign language, hence know at first hand how complicated that can be. Now who do you want as your children's language teacher? A Filipino or a native speaker who does not understand the basics of language acquisition. As I stated before, I prefer a Filipino or non native as teacher. Also, who is easier to understand, accent wise, someone from Newcastle, Dallas or Manilla? The latter yes.
  23. Did I tell you, or did I ask you? Big difference. It was a sincere question.
  24. Qualified teacher? Are you a good teacher? Your comments are full of anger, half truths and plain lies. How can you be a good teacher? Stay away from my kids.
  25. A lot of Americans have a very poor understanding of their own language. I"ve given up listening to contempary music, full of 'aint's', female dogs, f's every 5 seconds and so on. Must be the no-child-left-behind policies. As I said earlier, Filipino teachers are in higher demand in Thailand than American teachers, and for a good reason. Americans don't travel much, but if they do and teach abroad, they expect their students to know the American football rules, celebrate the 4th of July,and even enjoy Halloween. https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/limited-english-proficient-population-united-states-2013 https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a43469569/american-iq-scores-decline-reverse-flynn-effect/
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