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Everything posted by susanlea

  1. The hypocrisy and lies from the left.
  2. Tampon coach.
  3. Took most 2 days to see Walz is complete weirdo.
  4. He is doing great.
  5. Just let them debate. Harris is a coward.
  6. Harris is running scared. Trump always wins debates. Will Kamala do 3 or chicken out? Scared of Fox means scared of China and Russia. The US does not need a coward like that. Walz ran from war at the last minute.
  7. Kamala is folding. Hasnt accepted 3 debates yet. Too scared perhaps? 3 is normal.
  8. Walz is the worst VP elect ever. If he was GOP the left would admit it. Because he is Dem they lie and won't tell the truth. Sad.
  9. Walz is coward. He let a city burn for 3 days. Too scared. He is weird. Tampons for boys. Weird guy.
  10. Sounds like a normal person. Not a left wing weirdo.
  11. Lots of people choose the military for training, skills and pension. Running away like he did indicates that. He never wanted to fight.
  12. The left are weird. She is bad She is good Flip flop
  13. He wins every debate. You lefties are funny. You hated Harris 3 months ago.
  14. Vance is great. 40yo. Lots of energy.
  15. Yes it is. They support a complete idiot.
  16. Your hero
  17. If Vance was Dem you would say he is great. Young and vibrant. You guys are just so biased and not real. You all lied about Biden. Now lying about Harris and Walz. You hated Harris before.
  18. A picture says a lot Young man Sad old coward
  19. Vietnam war? You promote that? Walz trained in military for years then runs away at last minute to give tampons to boys. The guy is a joke.
  20. So far wrong it is funny. Your far left bias is bad.
  21. You got nothing. Harris and Walz are cowards. Harris runs away if no teleprompter. Walz dodges war.
  22. Vance is destroying both of them.
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