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Everything posted by susanlea

  1. So he died from a heart attack?
  2. "In addition, in his 2006 global warming documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," Gore predicted that the global sea level could rise as much as 20 feet "in the near future."" https://www.foxnews.com/politics/al-gore-history-climate-predictions-statements-proven-false
  3. https://www.dailywire.com/news/al-gore-adopt-the-lefts-climate-agenda-or-else-there-will-be-one-billion-climate-refugees Gore trying again to scare people. The guy has no shame.
  4. Gore was quoting others and passing it off to scare people. Gore is a known scaremonger. Your comment about some bet is also misguided. At 50-1 that would be worth it.
  5. All scientists agree co2 has some warming affect. Deaths from floods, fires etc are a lot less than 50 years ago. Have you not understood any form of science or flood mitigation?
  6. Everybody said temperatures would go up. Gore said they would go up a lot more and most of the ice would melt so he was wrong. At least learn how science and predictions work. Saying Gore was right is like saying the sun will rise in the east and set in the west.
  7. 33 degrees here. Beautiful. Hope you found a restaurant.
  8. Gore was totally wrong as always. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-climate-change-idUSL1N2RV0K6/
  9. Climate isn't controlled locally. Regardless of what Thailand does neither the temperatures or rain will be affected. The weather has been fantastic south of Bangkok recently. Warm sunny days, not too hot at all.
  10. Deaths rarely occur without speed and the damage indicates significant speed. Abusing the police won't change the facts.
  11. Not that hot south of Bangkok. Was cold 2 nights ago.
  12. 100, 500 and 1000 notes look similar if dark but this doesn't look dark. The driver should have driven off.
  13. Maybe he should get a job instead.
  14. Book flights direct through the airline. Much easier that way.
  15. If you only talk once or twice a year why do you care so much?
  16. On short flights I've never wanted a meal and seat selection is not important.
  17. Approximately how much would it cost in Thailand?
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