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  1. Suspicion of ladyboys here I reckon
  2. He should have kicked her in the bollax
  3. Just wondered why you would tell them anything to do with your UK affairs. Nothing to do with them at all.
  4. No didn't say that. I refer to the rest of us as those who don't want to be groped by men dressed as women or participate in any activity with them on public streets
  5. Chicks with dicks is your thing then and that's fine, just don't like your boyfriends grabbing me when I walk by. And who the f are you to tell me I'm not welcome here and can leave. You leave and take your weirdo activities elsewhere
  6. They need to introduce segregated areas for those creatures and their weirdo customers and not let them mingle with the rest of us
  7. The 63 year old wannabe tough guy now knows he ain't tough. He should also learn that when drunk your punch resistance declines and it isn't a good idea to be taking blows to the head at his age.
  8. Nothing wrong with prostitution involving consenting adults. I've used thousands in my time, some good some not so
  9. Then you get the greedy agents who blatantly break the law to line their own pockets.
  10. Don't let yourself get in a situation where you end up at the police station. That's where the problems start.
  11. But we have a few, actually it seems more than a few "good boys" who insist on trying to pay tax when in fact there is no need to even file a return and so giving the Thais ideas on how they could get more money from the farang. So with all the volunteers visiting tax offices who knows what may come of that
  12. Serves you right. No need to go anywhere near a tax office. Another one who seems to be volunteering to pay Thai tax. Yawwwn
  13. And you have every right to be suspicious. I believe there are various groups who's interests are best served by pushing expats to obtain TINs and file unnecessary tax returns
  14. Very sensible and in my opinion accurate information. Do not listen to the scaremongers and opportunistic chancers. Let me know when the first farang is either arrested or refused a visa extension because he hasn't filed a Thai tax return. It won't happen
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