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HOOD Robin

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Posts posted by HOOD Robin

  1. OP, thank you for the information.

    Sounds good to me.

    The only thing you omitted writing about is the girls.

    What about a young man of 68 like me, will I have the opportunity to meet plenty of young ladies, like here in Thailand?

    Very important information and I'm waiting for your answer before I book my ticket.

    I taught You were happily married and faithful,...Costas...!!!???


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  2. Prayut never left the kindergarten it seems... coffee1.gif

    Why the heck do they need a bullet train for such SHORT trajects !? At the time it is at full speed it has to hit the brakes or it will land in Pattaya bay cheesy.gif

    First thing they should improve is EDUCATION ! Can you imagine a Thai "driver" with that bullet train who doesnt understand any English ?? blink.pngblink.pngw00t.gif

    TH will always remain a 3rd world country...

  3. I think people who say this is Thailand, get used to it are wrong. People need to speak up about this kind of thing. To put yourself at risk is one matter to put children at risk is quite another. The authorities need to enact legislation about children traveling in motor vehicles if it is not already on the statute books and it needs to be enforced. I know that therein lies the problem but for people, both Thai and foreign, to say and do nothing is letting down the very people we should be protecting, the very young who cannot protect themelves.

    Very good intentions mate, but unfortunately it is WISHFUL THINKING...

    Those banana authoritiy lads are too busy with counting their dirty money, they dont give a s^^t if people die or get hurt in traffic accidents, life is too cheap in Land of Scams....

    And the last thing they gonna do is listen to a "stupid falang"... coffee1.gif

  4. Doesnt take long to become anathematized to that and many other wierd and wonderful and often crazy instances you would never dream of "back home", but here's the thing, you aint "back home", as they Thais say "up to them" !

    correct CharlieH....but I just couldnt come to grips with at first....

    Know what you mean mate, the family of four on motorcycle with a baby in Mum's arms doing 60kph is just as crazy to me.

    Unfortunately i see these horrible things almost every day here in my neighbourhood... Sometimes those gals even have a mobile sandwitched between their ear and shoulder so they can blah blah blah while driving and holding the baby with one hand and some kids on the back of the bike.... CRAZINESS !!! But for Thais "mai pen rai..." -- The General keeps them happy.... facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_JFYdfacepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_JFYd

  5. Doesnt take long to become anathematized to that and many other wierd and wonderful and often crazy instances you would never dream of "back home", but here's the thing, you aint "back home", as they Thais say "up to them" !

    correct CharlieH....but I just couldnt come to grips with at first....

    Know what you mean mate, the family of four on motorcycle with a baby in Mum's arms doing 60kph is just as crazy to me.

    Unfortunately i see these horrible things almost every day here in my neighbourhood... Sometimes those gals even have a mobile sandwitched between their ear and shoulder so they can blah blah blah while driving and holding the baby with one hand and some kids on the back of the bike.... CRAZINESS !!! But for Thais "mai pen rai..." -- The General keeps them happy.... facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_JFYdfacepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_JFYd

  6. My point is why a failed policy of the previous government can be used to impeach and possibly jail a leader of the political party? Also how can a military installed government do this, they weren't elected into power and don't represent the people? And why the witch hunt for the family of the previous pm?

    Under international law Prayut has no legitimacy and neither does his government as it is illegal to form such without the democratic support of the people.

    If justice were really going to be served he'd be arrested for treason and jailed for life.

    I'm no fan of YS but like it or not the people elected her.

    There we go again.....

    ELECTED ??? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ clap2.gif

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    "Prayut wants Yingluck to fight the cases and not flee country"

    Providing her the option to save face in order to get a guaranteed NON jail term,....

    Yes , you would think Jailing her may be a provocation too far

    Why ? NO MERCY !!

    She stole MILLIONS from the Thai people, so trow her in jail !

    If a poor Thai lad steals a potato he will end in jail.... so why would this Shin cry baby not face a looooong jail term !? Then maybe her gangster brother would consider to hand himself to the authorities so he can join her in the monkeyhouse....

    Mr Prayut this will give happiness back to the Thai people !!! (and to many farangs, except those who have Isan and Northern wifes or GF's) coffee1.gif

  8. Looks like they will have to cancel Songkran this year clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    I was in Samui at a time when they said it was the worst drought (there) in 20 years.

    The reservoirs were at 25%.

    Songkran commenced full bore the next month.

    Thais told me the celebrations would bring more water. blink.png



    i really have to believe it that a Thai buffalo is smarter than...... (fill in yourself) whistling.gif

  9. You are hoping that your tears will touch the hearts of the judges.

    You are very wrong.

    People have waken up and know who you are and the damage you caused in this country.

    Your time is up.

    Time to pay for your crimes against Thailand.

    And I really hope and wish that this is the last time we hear from you or your criminal brother.

    i REALLY hope the same Costas !!!

    It's time they trow this witch and her criminal bro in the deepest cell and feed the key to the crocs !! coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  10. The uncle should be banged up for murder!*

    RIP little girl and sympathies to the rest of the family and the engine driver.

    *Edit: unless of course it was a manned or otherwise barriered crossing. Poor journalism not to clarify! [i usually check even at these, which irritates my TWfacepalm.gif]

    I definitely share your opinion here.

    Also, in anticipation that others will now go off and blame the government for not having better barriers/crossings, I will offer a pre-emptive reply that people are always and will always be responsible for themselves.

    And in this case an innocent child has sadly died. Barriers or no barriers, I find it almost impossible to believe that anyone should EVER be killed by a train in such a way, let alone two in the same week on the same train line.

    I know the Udon Thani railway crossings well and there is always cars backed up across them. I've even had people beep at me because I stopped before the train-tracks instead of on them.

    Morrons, imbecils, etc etc etc etc...............................

  11. That's now Two train accidents in Udon in 2 days. Why oh why do people not look when crossing?

    Why do Thai's not look before pulling in roadway with motorcycle, Truck, Car, Tractor, Bicycle or on foot...?

    i can give you many reasons... but i'm not gonna do as i'm sure it will upset many (Thai) people.

    The truth always hurt, ya know.... coffee1.gif

    Really feel sorry for the kid ! RIP

  12. Amazing Thailand!!! 15 degrees is a disaster? Last year was much cooler and probably lasted much longer than we will see this year. People around the world prepare for seasons whether it be hot or cold. Buy a jacket and an extra blanket for Christ sake!!! If it was -15 I might agree but this is just stupid.

    Amazing Thailand.... Hub of CRAZY DECISIONS.... biggrin.png

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