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Everything posted by JontS

  1. Great thread, lots of good information. This link has helped my understanding, thought I'd share it here. https://www.thethailandlife.com/expat-tax-thailand
  2. A brilliant example of MAGA logic 🤣
  3. The target is the American economy.
  4. I don't think that is an option here, the danish authorities always get their money 😅
  5. Just talked to the Danish tax authorities. Basically all pensions, both government and private, can be taxed in both countries, but as the tax percentage in Denmark is a minimum of 38%, this means that there will be no taxation from the Thai authorities as the DTA prevents double taxation. This is just as I thought it was.
  6. Ok, I understand. That's really good considering the tax rate in Norway compared to Thailand I guess? I'm looking into the conditions for the Denmark/Thailand DTA myself.
  7. What do you mean you get back all the tax that you have paid? So you pay in Norway, and again in Thailand, and then get a refund from Thailand?
  8. 30 baht... I paid 275 baht for 3 BIC razors here in Denmark 😁 I will give DIY a try for sure
  9. Just tried an alternative to Gillette for the first time ever, BIC Flex5. Almost as good as the Fusion I normally use, not really cheaper I think, but most important... it's not a US product 🤗
  10. Doesn't really explain anything though... the 800k in bank or not, is still an issue, as is getting a new bank account.
  11. Which popular agent are you using?
  12. I understand, therefore the comment on the "right" price. If I can sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee while an agent sorts out the paperwork and stands in line, it might be worth it 🙂
  13. This is very interesting as I will be making the move soon and had decided, after going back and forth in my mind, to use an agent and avoid having the 800k in the bank. If this option is no longer available, I might still use an agent, but the price would have to be right. Otherwise I would do the work myself.
  14. Haven't used one since I was a teenager, but I remember they were not a good fit for me. I like a close shave.
  15. Thanks, will check that out once I'm there 🙂
  16. Is that the brand name?
  17. Any suggestions? What are you using yourself?
  18. Yes, and their whole entourage
  19. Thank you for your reply... I might be forced to stick to it then 😏
  20. Are there any good alternatives to Gillette available in Thailand? Been using Fusion for ages, but moving to Thailand soon and want to avoid murican products as much as possible from now on.
  21. Wondering whether it's better for me to open an account with IBKR now while I still live in Denmark, or wait a few months until I move to Thailand? I'm currently using Saxo and they require me to completely close my danish account and open a new one after I have relocated.
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