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  1. I flew on AirAsia and Scoot (Singapore Air's budget line) in the last week and power bank charging was banned during take-off and landing only.
  2. The only restaurants in either country you refer to that insist on customers paying before getting their drinks or food are food courts, and that's the same as Thailand.
  3. Don't think so. Maybe it's a bit frowned on very recently but we used to have a pub lunch quite often in the UK. Business lunches on expenses could get pretty boozy for senior executives down.
  4. Anyone normally can, I had no idea bars couldn't sell alcohol between 2 and 5pm as all bars I'e ever been to in Phuket, Bangkok, etc do sell it. The problem is that supermarkets and 7-11s do not. So if you happen to be doing your weekly shop and want a few beers or a bottle of wine and forget about the rather irrational regulation it's really annoying, you have to make anther trip later on. Same if you get invited to a friend's place for an afternoon pool party and can't arrive with a bottle. Just inconvenient and actually exacerbates alcoholism if anything as people end up keeping more in their fridge than one would normally.. Plus at the airports - 2-5pm you can't grab a can from the 7-11 at 35-60 baht or whatever, but you can still buy from the restaurants and takeaways at 250 baht.. ludicrous.
  5. Just keep them in until it's unlocked.
  6. Beat me to it. Anyone ex military knows how to clean a house to white gloves inspection standard for a start.
  7. It would feel the same. Might as well aim for a wrinkle.
  8. Even if you stop, the motorbikes will not stop flying past on your inside.
  9. A security guard manning a zebra crossing was killed in Karon, Phuket no so long ago whilst helping hotel guests across the road. That was a Russian on a 'big bike' though.
  10. It's basically the gangs of Israelis who have just left the army after national service and go on tour with their army group mates. It was always the same when I backpacked in the 80-90's and they were banned from India for a year or 2. I'm sure when they grow up, enter normal society and travel independently they're far more amenable. Maybe.
  11. I have met some and been related to one or two. They don't live long, sadly.
  12. Really not keen on Issan style food but other Thai food, properly cooked, there's nothing wrong with it, I find it very healthy. My wife grows pretty much all the herbs, chillis, pepper, vegetables and fruit she needs to cook in the garden. Nothing artificial, like any restaurant we frequent. We even have a lemon tree for the vodka tonics.. I have to say a lot of the cheaper roadside type places stick a load of crap in the food, like lots of sugar, MSG, etc, nasty.
  13. We live 160m up a hill in Phuket, never use AC at all, only experience it in shops etc. We don't even use fans all the time, even then only on low as there's usually a bit of a breeze, even on the beach. Perfectly cool compared to Singapore. where I work.
  14. No, their point is that only LGB are valid: it's a gay support group, not for cross-dressers etc.
  15. I'd never spend more than 10k on a phone and my wife seems to actually prefer cheap ones after a Russian woman barged past her once, whilst on a highish-end phone to me, smashing it and not even acknowledging what she'd done. And we have a lot of cats.. I buy new old-stock Android phones that were top of the range 2 or 3 years ago for about 8k and never had an i-one. My wife has a Samsung brick that was about 3k and a nice big tablet at home.
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