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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. I don't recall mentioning that the man should be the one to choose and decide what is right and wrong, however did you come up with that understanding from what I said, seems quite a stretch of your imagination.
  2. The majority of unmarried women that I have come across via my wife's association are mainly of an academic background. It appears to me they are far too fussy, ie nobody is good enough, smart enough etc. Many of them are extremely nice attractive women and would probably be an ideal partner but will unfortunately spend their lives alone, the result of wrong thinking.
  3. Well known, a member since July? Although the OP, could well have appeared previously under other guise's and is as boring as others who have posted in the same vein but seem to have vanished of late.
  4. Maybe he will, but it won't make 1 bit of difference, when you have the numbers it's all plain sailing.
  5. Who could oversee and maintain the fiasco better than the current general?
  6. Good reason is the other half of the marriage might just come gunning, in the real sense should be every get the slightest idea you have the hots for his wife, it's not only Thai women that can be jealous - - so watch out or it might be gamma globulin running down the gutter somewhere.
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