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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. sure, don't rush sacking him as we might be told to hang off finalising it.
  2. it will be a bad joke and I'm sure he won't appreciate it.
  3. correct, the only change will be "take more care", don't get caught. a good example of this is Ferrrari Joe and associates, they didn't check carefully enough and a stooge was able to video the fatal session with the drug dealer - the real story is much more complex than even aired.
  4. as far as these responsible for making sure there aren't , there aren't any - other than the ones we can't see because there's none there.
  5. don't think the post was bizarre at all, the poster was referring to soi dogs not nasty, drooling, crapping and barking well loved dogs.
  6. But is a car 10X more to purchase and is fuel 10X more expensive. As for dodgy metres, Phuket mafia etc - a completely different discussion.
  7. Why would they, there was no need as the non existant island mafia ordained it so.
  8. I agree, Thai taxi prices are too low even by Thai standards, I always add a bit, the more polite, helpful the driver the more I tip.
  9. Impossible for him to do anything other than wipe his own a r $ e, he is out-gunned on every front by those with more influences, and that includes his past, the military.
  10. Big difference between explained manipulated cover-ups and actual causes, but that doesn't suit your agenda.
  11. I wouldn't worry too much about justification, the self proclaimed expert and ill-informed trolls will keep trolling while the balance of interested posters are well aware of what is what.
  12. Very few confirmed murders as it's somehow always misadventure, suicide etc. Not sure how the guy that was shot 5 times didn't qualify for suicide like the guy who hung himself with his hands securely tied behind his back.
  13. Just as you are capable of searching out what ever you need to understand - so off you go.
  14. I agree, it would seem the Big Joke and Chuwit have a very powerful backing directed to the same outcome.
  15. And what percentage of the 500,000 are Thai - - who are not the normal target for mysterious deaths and accidents.
  16. Ditto, after 20 years I just got my 1st rookie post, I'm so excited.
  17. Chuwit has been around for long enough (and involved firsthand) and knows enough people to be fully informed on the in's and out's of the day to day workings of the police force, and probably more knowledgeable than the majority of the police force.
  18. flatulence
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