If you took time to ask, you might be surprised that probably the majority of "dog haters" you referred to are far from being haters, just sick and tired of soi dogs roaming the streets attacking people, fouling the streets and spreading disease.
No money for the parasites bleating about "save the dogs". I accept that some people are genuinely concerned but for others it's just cash cow, as a previous poster pointed out "follow the money"
"The Statute of Limitations period should be pasued when the alleged criminal is out of the country on the run."
But that defeats the reason to leave the country on the run.
The little general and cohorts are currently working hard on the problem but marijuana and 2 finger salutes are occupying most of their (short) attention span at the moment.
Luckily for the current load of disfunctional politicians they have covid to cover their collective rear-ends from disgruntled citizens.... sounds like Henny Penny, "the sky is falling"
why bother posting anything, to the majority of Thai drivers any signage is unseen, disregarded if seen or not applicable to them whereas the minority have sufficient grey matter to drive and behave in a sensible manner irrespective of any signage.