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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. No argument with the majority of points you raised other than to say, the majority of rural subsistence farmers, underpaid construction workers and others are more interested in what's on their dinner plate each meal and their kids backs each and every day irrespective of who is wielding the power.
  2. His head on a stake at traitor's gate could fulfil his wishes.....
  3. Sorry Rolf, unfortunately lost on many......
  4. It's not a wig, it's standard off the shelf black hair dye, used by thousands of Thai's each and every day.
  5. A bit like same same but different....
  6. More useful along side the plane less aircraft carrier for the yearly children's day visits.
  7. Clever, unfortunately over the head of a few ????
  8. Thailand - moral compass - what's that? ????????
  9. I agree, a trap is No1 priority - it would be interesting to known why you aren't fitting one?
  10. I see no reason to suggest there is any problem with the tenant /landlord, let's just assume the landlord doesn't have any local contact for repairs and had asked the tenant to check around locally. But then of course it's easy to make assumptions without knowing the situation.
  11. Always a good way to build a happy relationship with your landlord - - not.
  12. Think you can assume "that" person is a police man considering where the event took place - in the back room of a police station, plus the filming of the event is a story in itself that will probably never be officially recognised for obvious reasons if you know the first thing about the internal workings of this organisation.
  13. Guess your g/f's brothers 3rd cousin told you all about that as they saw him there......
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