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  1. Oh yes, this has never happened in our countries. We just do wars instead.
  2. Well, luckily this car fire was not an electric car. It would have triggered all the climate change denying loons.
  3. Where do you live in Thailand? Here in BangTao, Phuket is not third world. But I doubt you could afford to live here. Every country has slums and poor.
  4. Everyone seems to have missed I said….. They were different back in my day. Teachers used to belt us. Made us tough.
  5. The private school boys have been triggered, ironically proving my point.
  6. Water off a ducks back coming from Richard. He lives to slag off people, says more about him than me. My dad always told me if you don’t have something nice to say then it is better to say nothing at all.
  7. You would think with all the soap entering Bangkok drains that they would be sparkling clean
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