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  1. Pretty much. Kamala was terrible, that’s why Trump won. If they had put a white man up the Dems would have won. Trump can only beat women. He got lucky.
  2. I feel a lot safer here than back in the UK. People here, unless they are nutters, are very calm and mind their own business. I recommend you live in the south as the air is quite good. Most foreigners in Bangkok and anywhere north of it seem very stressed out. Pollution is terrible.
  3. Could have all been avoided if if he had kept his election promise to build a wall. He is useless.
  4. I don’t think the name calling was called for.
  5. It is pretty simple formula I use. 30 years ago scientists said that ifwe don’t stop with all the carbon that the temperatures would rise. And that is exactly what has happened. The thermometer doesn’t lie. It has nothing to do with left versus right politics apart from big polluting businesses sponsor political parties to keep them in line.
  6. That they could not speak Thai and that the Thais are not organized when it comes to filing things. mai bpen rai
  7. Ah, the American endlessly complaining about the Thais as usual. The world produces over two billion tonnes of municipal solid waste every year, enough to fill over 800,000 Olympic sized swimming pools. Per head of population the worst offenders are the US, as Americans produce three times the global average of waste, including plastic and food. When it comes to recycling, America again lags behind other countries, only re-using 35% of solid waste.
  8. The whole world burns rubbish. London sets fire to over half its waste. 2 million tonnes of waste were sent to incinerators or Energy from Waste facilities last year - more than doubling in the last decade. Incineration at an Energy from Waste facility is the main alternative to landfill
  9. A president who was democratically elected by trash.
  10. Disgraceful isn’t it?
  11. Well isn’t that good news
  12. Probably wouldn’t hurt to get out a bit more and increase your circle of friends.
  13. 99% not even close. A recent survey showed most people do in fact drink drive. If you go to any pub you will see everyone drink drives home. I was in a pub last night with over 40 people. Everyone drove home.

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