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  1. This kind of comment is quite dismissive and doesn’t engage with the substance of my point.
  2. In my 40s but you are right, im centre and liberals do stupid <deleted> and so do labour. Libs selling out the Gas, elec, water etc has ruined us. My point was just to say that in US politics the right are too righteous and supposed to represent democracy but will punish anyone for voting right. How does that make sense?
  3. Great Ad, well made and shows thailand for what I imagine thailand to be, going back in time.
  4. As an aussie living in thailand from an outsiders view: * Lefties regardless of the country embrace hate over love * Classify themselves as smarter * Believe in democracy but only if you vote for the left * They are egotistical plainly for the fact they believe anyone centre or centre right is stupid * Wish death on people * Are triggered by key words (almost like they are hypnotised) ELON, TRUMP etc
  5. Democrats used to be anti china, now they are gagging on them
  6. i walk down the soi daily. These guys look about 15 years old all rocking moustaches. 2-3 on bikes and all they do is do laps. They arent actually that crazy but i guess at that age theres nothing else to do.
  7. I watch multiple channels, intake multiple sources of "news" then make up my own mind. Shocking right? I agree with certain policies of both sides of US Politics. Im sure no one can totally agree with just one side right? Im from oz so im probably wrong but i guess when you "register" as someone and hang out with the certain types it makes it all the more divisive.
  8. You know the evidence, FBI opened the doors let the people in. its literally on video You know biden had signs of dementia years ago, yet act suprised about the debate. Trump triggers you, elon triggers you. You wish people dead, you support wars. You all think the same because never once someone like you says hey you know i kinda agree with 1 or 2 republican policies. Youd rather eat bugs than a pork chop. Good chat.
  9. Storm, nice choice of words. You must think of yourself as intelligent but you are literally a brainwashed mouth piece for the media.
  10. Democrats definition of democracy: If you don't agree with us,we will try to eliminate you anyway possible.
  11. Exactly. They endorsed him, then when they realised he has no chance, they wanna flip him off. What suprises me is biden has been in mental decline for years. And they say the right is brainwashed
  12. What a load of <deleted>. https://www.makro.pro/en Order online most days 11pm - delivered by 9am, free delivery for orders over 1000b
  13. Democracy: We are trying to boot biden out of re-election
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