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  1. So much of a difference of opinions on how I should view things. I am even more confused now.
  2. Thai women often tell me I’m a handsome man. Do you think they really mean it? I don’t go to bars. Most of the women telling me this are just in normal places like shopping malls, 7-11s, and local stores or restaurants. Often it’s just out of nowhere. I’m just an average looking guy. Never considered myself handsome. And I am a bit shy, so I’m not the kind of guy who goes around chatting up a lot of women. So I don’t feel like I’m encouraging them to say this. Do you think they maybe they wanting me to approach them for a romantic relationship when they say this to me? I can’t really tell.
  3. She was probably expecting a long, oval-shaped custard donut. Now she's probably pondering divorce. Can't say I blame her.
  4. There are often news articles, nearly every week in fact, referring to Thailand as being the hub of this or the hub of that. I’m not sure I fully understand what that means, but it seems like they are suggesting that Thailand is the leader or even the most successful in the region at whatever Thailand is being referred to as a hub for. So is Thailand really the hub of so many things in SE Asia or Asia in general? And what things do you feel that Thailand is really a hub for?
  5. Seat backs on airplanes? How? I never saw that before. I fly at least 50 times a year. Those seats can move?
  6. Mrs. Smith is bob's favorite and best go to fictional character. He recycles her for a new post whenever he runs out of ideas for a new made up story on how to bash the local population.
  7. Saw that. Apparently he aims for his own eyes.
  8. What a waste. Should have opened your mouth.
  9. You sound like a typical grifter and a leach. Are you another of those foreigners in Thailand who has no money and is looking for ways to live off the backs of others?!
  10. Thank you for confirming what I already thought. Are you also dealing with a cognitive disability or is that just your heavy alcoholism?
  11. You seem like the kind of dude who shows up at a party and then everyone else suddenly leaves.
  12. Looks like he enjoys his trolling, but seems he's terrible at keeping track of his lies.
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